#AskTamara: Are New Fisher Price Mega Bloks Lead Free?#Leaded: Antique/ Vintage Floradora Doll#LeadFree: 1978 Fisher Price Toy TractorVintage Tinker Toy Set #2: 124 ppm Lead in the paper container for this toy. [90 is unsafe in modern toys.]#Leaded: Vintage Tinker Toys Tin#LeadFree: Little Mommy#Leaded: Antique Wood Picture Frame#LeadFree: Squinkie Dolls#Leaded: Swedish Nils Olsson Painted Horse#LeadFree: Small Wooden Train#Leaded: Vintage Filing CabinetVintage / Antique Miniature Kitchen Sink Set: 51,000 ppm Lead. [90 ppm is unsafe for kids.]#Leaded: Antique Brownie CameraAntique “An-Du-Septic” Dustless Crayon Artista Water Colors Tin: 73,800 ppm LeadAntique German Serving Bowl by Heinrich & Co.: 8,245 ppm Lead in the decorative trim elements of the dish.#AskTamara: What consumer goods should I have tested with an XRF?1999 Portmeirion China Plate with Cherry Pattern, Made in England: 88,900 ppm Lead [90 is unsafe for kids].#Leaded: Newer/ Modern Switch Plate.“You Are Special Today” Red Plate: 36,100 ppm Lead [90 is unsafe for kids] + 3,354 ppm Cadmium [75 ppm is unsafe].#Leaded: Vintage Anchor PlateOlder Corelle Iris Design White Glass Plate: 1,895 ppm Lead (90 ppm is unsafe for kids).#Leaded: Blue Glass Plate#Leaded: MSE Plate#Leaded: Tiffany & Co., “Nature” 1996 Posts pagination Previous Page 1 … 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 … 179 Next Page SharePin200PostEmailPrint200Shares
Vintage Tinker Toy Set #2: 124 ppm Lead in the paper container for this toy. [90 is unsafe in modern toys.]
Antique German Serving Bowl by Heinrich & Co.: 8,245 ppm Lead in the decorative trim elements of the dish.
1999 Portmeirion China Plate with Cherry Pattern, Made in England: 88,900 ppm Lead [90 is unsafe for kids].
“You Are Special Today” Red Plate: 36,100 ppm Lead [90 is unsafe for kids] + 3,354 ppm Cadmium [75 ppm is unsafe].