Pottery Barn Portugese Dish: 363 ppm Lead. 90 ppm is unsafe in kids’ items [but dishes aren’t used by kids, right?]Pottery Barn Dishes, “Spiral” PatternOctober 2015 Recall of Pottery Barn Kids Water BottlesPottery Barn Green “Swirl” Ceramic Bowl: 5,215 ppm Lead. 90 is unsafe for kids’ items.Vintage 1951 Book – Sex Without Fear: 226 ppm Lead + 24 ppm Arsenic.Vintage Book: Come to The Farm, 1949Vintage Metal Desk, c. 1960s?Vintage Vinyl Measuring Tape (for Sewing): 19,900 ppm Lead. [90 ppm Lead is unsafe for kids.]Tape Measures: Contractor Grade — is your measuring tape Lead-free?Vintage (1980s?) Fisher Price sorting toy for infants and toddlersVintage 1970s Fisher Price School Bus Toy: 90 ppm Lead#LeadFree: Vintage Fisher Price Family Play Farm Set – BarnVintage Fisher Price Plastic Toy Syringe: 6,331 ppm Lead. 90 ppm Lead (& up) in consumer goods is unsafe for kids.Vintage Lite-Brite, c. 1970s: 21,900 ppm LeadVintage Purse (c. 1960s?): 6,060 ppm Lead. 90 ppm and up is unsafe for kids. Do your kids play with vintage purses?Vintage Fisher Price Parking Garage: 1,538 ppm Lead in the yellow plastic. 422 in the white. 90 ppm & up is unsafe for kids.Vintage Fisher Price Little PeopleDid Toxic Rum Kill These 19th Century British SoldiersA pill to “cure” lead poisoning?Reuters Article: Despite Progress, Lead Hazards Vex New YorkNew feature: “Contractor’s Corner” guest posts#AskTamara: Where can I test for Lead using a LeadCheck Swab or other reactive agent home test?Nov. 8, 2017: The time my work went viral & was featured on CBS This Morning for my discovery of Lead in fidget spinners.Update From Tamara: IRS, DOJ, LSAF, ETC. Posts pagination Previous Page 1 … 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 … 176 Next Page SharePin197PostEmailPrint197Shares
Pottery Barn Portugese Dish: 363 ppm Lead. 90 ppm is unsafe in kids’ items [but dishes aren’t used by kids, right?]
Vintage Fisher Price Plastic Toy Syringe: 6,331 ppm Lead. 90 ppm Lead (& up) in consumer goods is unsafe for kids.
Vintage Purse (c. 1960s?): 6,060 ppm Lead. 90 ppm and up is unsafe for kids. Do your kids play with vintage purses?
Vintage Fisher Price Parking Garage: 1,538 ppm Lead in the yellow plastic. 422 in the white. 90 ppm & up is unsafe for kids.
Nov. 8, 2017: The time my work went viral & was featured on CBS This Morning for my discovery of Lead in fidget spinners.