#AskTamara: Does my scary zombie Halloween mask have unsafe levels of Lead?#AskTamara: Do modern Halloween masks have Lead? Does my Halloween gorilla mask have any toxic chemicals?An Interesting Article About Vintage / Historic Fiestaware ToxicityClick to read the full XRF test results for Stockmar beeswax crayons (testing for Lead, Cadmium, Arsenic, etc.)#LeadSafeMama Social Media Stats Update: September 1, 2018#LeadSafeMama August 2018 Financial UpdateSeptember 2018, #FlashSaleYear-To-Date Unique Page Views: September 1, 2018Thank you for visiting my website in August of 2018! #LeadSafeMama #StatsQuestion: Do Crayola Crayons have Lead? Answer: Yes they do, at levels considered safe for toys but unsafe for food.Here’s what one might expect a modern clearance test to look like in 2018Portland Public Schools is simply NOT using the strictest standards nor best practices to protect your children from lead in schools: A series — Part 1: Post Lead-remediation construction dust found at Lewis Elementary SchoolI asked for help with my disabled children and the special education program administrator called me “Crazy”.Newly Purchased August 2018 Rae Dunn Ceramic Coffee Mugs from Marshall’s#Leaded: 1990s Glass Seed Bead Wolf Necklace#Leaded: 1978 Ceramic Parrot Hair Clip (Cadmium too!), from Florida#LeadFree: Sleepy Hollow New York Commemorative Fridge Magnet#LeadFree: 1978 Copy of “Holly Hobbie’s Answer Book” Paperback#Leaded; 1985 Princess of Power A Most Unpleasant Present Mini Comic Book#LeadSafe: 1985 Time Life The Enchanted World Water Spirits Hardcover Book#LeadFree: Decorative Christmas Tin (no Mark or Maker)#AskTamara: I’m concerned that contractors at my Portland, Oregon elementary school are not using lead safe work practices. What should I do?#AskTamara: Do glass dragon tears have Lead? (Aka: Squashed Marbles, Glass Drops, or Mancala Stones)#AskTamara: Are my kids’ crayons toxic? Which brand of crayons is safe? Crayola? Filana? Stockmar? Honey Sticks? Posts pagination Previous Page 1 … 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 … 180 Next Page SharePin200PostEmailPrint200Shares
#AskTamara: Do modern Halloween masks have Lead? Does my Halloween gorilla mask have any toxic chemicals?
Click to read the full XRF test results for Stockmar beeswax crayons (testing for Lead, Cadmium, Arsenic, etc.)
Question: Do Crayola Crayons have Lead? Answer: Yes they do, at levels considered safe for toys but unsafe for food.
Portland Public Schools is simply NOT using the strictest standards nor best practices to protect your children from lead in schools: A series — Part 1: Post Lead-remediation construction dust found at Lewis Elementary School
I asked for help with my disabled children and the special education program administrator called me “Crazy”.
#AskTamara: I’m concerned that contractors at my Portland, Oregon elementary school are not using lead safe work practices. What should I do?
#AskTamara: Are my kids’ crayons toxic? Which brand of crayons is safe? Crayola? Filana? Stockmar? Honey Sticks?