Made In Mexico Blue Glazed Ceramic Dish: 51,608 ppm Lead + 31,350 ppm Arsenic + more than 100,000 ppm Mercury.
Ceramic Child’s mug with Teddy Bear: 15,000 ppm Lead. 90 ppm & up is illegal in modern items intended for use by kids.
Blue “Cornflower” Design Corningware Baking pan: Lead-Free (but this does not apply to all years of production for this pattern!)
Q: I’m concerned that the original bathtub that came with my older home might have Lead. What should I do?
Axxess+ Brand House Key: 9,441 ppm Lead. For context: 90 ppm Lead (and up) is unsafe for items intended for use by children.
House key with worn pink decoration: 13,200 ppm Lead. 90 ppm is unsafe. Don’t let kids (especially babies) play with real keys!