1980 McDonalds Garfield Mug: 169,500 ppm Lead (90 ppm is unsafe for kids) + 10,700 ppm Cadmium (causes cancer)
Corelle® recommends using their pre-2005 dishes as “decorative pieces” due to concerns of high Lead levels
Stop using your vintage Tupperware NOW. These measuring cups are positive for 2,103 ppm Lead + 250 ppm Arsenic.
Vintage Corelle Butterfly Gold glass plate: 18,700 ppm Lead on decorative pattern when tested with an XRF instrument
Vintage (1972-1988) Corning Spice-o-Life Casserole: 26,500 ppm Lead (90 ppm is unsafe) & 236 ppm Cd (75 is unsafe)
Vintage Tupperware ORANGE bowl: 3,380 ppm Cadmium + 935 ppm Mercury (both are extremely poisonous to humans)
Vintage Corelle Plate With Crazy Daisy Spring Blossom Green Edge: 15,200 ppm Lead (90 is unsafe for kids) + Cadmium
Textbook corporate response from Corning 12/28/18 – to the findings of high levels of Lead in their vintage products.
Vintage Corelle By Corning Butterfly Gold Pattern Glass Bowls: 23,300 ppm Lead [90 ppm is unsafe for kids.]
Vintage Pyrex Spring Blossom Green Crazy Daisy Mixing Bowls: 109,900 ppm Lead (90 is unsafe) + Cadmium, too!
1978 Garfield “It’s not a pretty life but somebody has to live it” McDonald’s mug: 99,300 ppm Lead (causes brain damage) + 5,833 ppm Cadmium (causes cancer)
Not So Old…German Dritz Blue and White Vinyl Measuring Tape for Sewing: 1,372 ppm Lead. [90 ppm is unsafe for kids.]
Singer Sewing Machines Vintage Pink Vinyl Measuring Tape: 3,783 ppm Lead. [90 ppm Lead is unsafe in kids items.]
Reminder: A Thomas the Tank Engine wooden toy was recalled in June 2007. Do you still have these trains at home?
Maybe Grandma can Keep her Vintage Faux Pearls?: 295,900 ppm Lead (90 & up is unsafe in items kids use)
NEW-ish (c. 2017) handheld citrus juicer: 1,744 ppm Lead. 90 ppm is unsafe for kids. I recommend avoiding these.
Nov. 8, 2017: The time my work went viral & was featured on CBS This Morning for my discovery of Lead in fidget spinners.