Full XRF test results for a 2021 Purchased (New) Spode Christmas Tree Dish (Made in China): Positive for trace Lead & Cadmium
c. Late-1990s (or later) Spode Christmas Tree dish: 319 ppm Lead on the food surface ( + 138 ppm Cadmium & 2,402 ppm Cobalt)
Spode Copeland’s China Floral Pattern Tea Cup – Made in England: 59,500 ppm Lead. Context: 90 ppm and up is unsafe for kids.
Today’s Theme #Spode: Click to see links to all the articles I have written about SPODE brand products
Spode Consul Cobalt pattern saucer: 21,200 ppm Lead + 730 ppm Arsenic. From 2002, this isn’t even technically vintage!
English Spode “Italian” pattern bowl: 65,100 ppm Lead + 2,211 Arsenic on the food surface. Do you have Spode at home?
English Spode “Italian” pattern dish: 57,900 ppm Lead + 2,058 Arsenic on the food surface. Do you have Spode at home?
Spode Copeland “Wicker Lane” pattern china Made In England: 42,500 ppm Lead. 90 ppm is unsafe for kids.
Vintage Spode Christmas Tree Plate, Made In England: 71,900 ppm Lead [90 ppm Lead is unsafe for kids.]
Spode Vintage “Fairy Dell” English China: 36,400 ppm Lead + Arsenic! 90 ppm Lead (& up) is unsafe in kids’ items.
Spode “Delamere Blue” China: 47,500 ppm Lead (90 ppm + is unsafe in items intended for use by children.)
Spode Blue Chintz pattern china: 45,700 ppm Lead (90 ppm Lead (+) is unsafe in items intended for use by kids.)
Spode Gainsborough England China: 39,600 ppm Lead. 90 ppm Lead (+) is unsafe in items intended for use by kids.