Maple Landmark

Maple Landmark Wooden Magnetic Train: Lead-Free, Cadmium-Free, Arsenic-Free, Mercury-Free! #SaferChoice

Maple Landmark Wooden Magnetic Train: Lead-Free, Cadmium-Free, Arsenic-Free, Mercury-Free! #SaferChoice

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Click here to see similar products by this company on Amazon*: When tested with an XRF instrument this small wooden train car made by Maple Landmark of Vermont was negative for any toxicants. Please see below for the XRF test results for each of the components tested. Gray Painted Logo on Bottom of Train (image…

#AskTamara: Do Glass Dragon Tears Have Lead? (Aka: Squashed Marbles, Glass Drops or Mancala Stones?)

#AskTamara: Do Glass Dragon Tears Have Lead? (Aka: Squashed Marbles, Glass Drops or Mancala Stones?)

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#AskTamara Question: Do dragon tears have lead? Answer: Some do and some do not. Given the nature of the way most colored glass is commonly produced, many dragon tears do have at least some lead, and some have quite high amounts of lead — at levels considered dangerous for children by current/modern regulatory standards. [Even…