“NonToxic” Organic Beeswax Crayons USA Made: 2 colors positive for trace Cadmium (a known carcinogen.)
Walmart Expert Gardener Light Duty Garden Hose New (2017), Made In USA: 52 ppm Lead. Safe by all standards.
Do Franciscan Potteries vintage dishes have unsafe levels of lead? Does Mexican pottery that is marked lead-free have unsafe levels of lead? (video)
Vintage Bauer Los Angeles Dinner Plate: 459,300 ppm Lead. Context; 90 ppm Lead is illegal in new items made for kids.
Blue Vintage Bauer Los Angeles Dinner Plate: 434,800 parts per million Lead [90 ppm Lead is unsafe for kids.]
Vintage Syracuse china “Old Ivory” bowl with gold trim: 31,400 ppm Lead. For context: 90 ppm is unsafe for kids.