Glazed Ceramic Mug from Cuernavaca, Mexico: 86,600 ppm Lead (Context: 90 ppm is illegal in children’s items).
Made In Mexico Vintage / Antique Glazed Ceramic Mug: 79,100 ppm Lead (Context: 90 ppm is illegal in children’s items).
Made In Mexico Vintage / Antique Glazed Ceramic Mug: 122,200 ppm Lead (Context: 90 ppm is illegal in new items for children).
Made In Mexico Blue & White Ceramic Shallow Soup Bowl: 50,500 ppm Lead (Context: 90 ppm is illegal in new items for children).
Made In Mexico Blue Glazed Ceramic Bowl: 39,596 ppm Lead, 25,137 ppm Arsenic, & more than 100,000 ppm Mercury.
Made In Mexico Green & White Glazed Ceramic Plate: 554,400 ppm Lead. [Context; 90 ppm Lead is unsafe in kids’ toys.]
Made In Mexico Blue And White Glazed Ceramic Plate: 95,000 ppm Lead. [For context; 90 ppm Lead is unsafe in kids’ toys.]
Arsenic “Name Your Poison” Vintage Barware Glass: 96,700 ppm Lead & 2,378 ppm Cadmium. My uncle had these!
New (2019) Wild Dining “JustMustard” Brand Larry Lion Plate: 34,300 ppm Lead [90 ppm is unsafe for kids]
New Wild Dining “JustMustard” Brand Patricia Panda Plate: 28,800 ppm Lead when tested with an XRF instrument.
New Wild Dining “JustMustard” Brand Gorilla Plate: 22,600 +/- 600 ppm Lead when tested with an XRF instrument.
New Wild Dining “JustMustard” Brand Giraffe Plate: 16,400 +/- 400 ppm Lead when tested with an XRF instrument.
Who has these Wild Dining “JustMustard” brand animal plates? Click the links in the post to see the results for each dish.
Johnson Brothers Rose Chintz: 49,300 ppm Lead- almost 5%! 87 ppm Antimony. This brand is almost always Leaded.
“Old Town Blue” Pattern Vintage Corelle Small Plate, c.1972-1982: 18,200 ppm Lead (90 ppm and up is unsafe for kids)
c. 1967-1976 Royal Doulton Bunnykins Baby Bowl: 61,800 ppm Lead on the FOOD surface (90 is unsafe for kids)
Johnson Brothers English Greydawn Teacup & Saucer: 37,400+ ppm Lead [90 ppm Lead is unsafe for kids.]
Tamara’s Toxic Dishes Guide: “Do my dishes have Lead?” Read this article to check if YOUR china has Lead!
BIA Cordon Bleu International Dish – Indonesia: 6,081 ppm Lead (in the back mark.) 90 is unsafe in items used by kids.