YO! Stop poisoning the planet, Tiffany & Co! It’s 2020! #KnowBetterDoBetter. Today I found 47 LEADED items for sale on Tiffany’s website.
Tom & Jerry Vintage Milk Glass Christmas Mug: 37,100 ppm Lead + 943 ppm Cadmium (90 Lead + 40 Cadmium is unsafe for kids)
Vintage Faux Pearls, Off-White Heavy Plastic: 4,687 ppm Lead + 140 ppm Arsenic (90 ppm Lead is unsafe for kids!)
Vintage faux pearls: 125,700 ppm Lead. 90 ppm is unsafe. Please don’t let your children play with grandma’s faux pearls!
2014 Weck Canning Jar: 142 ppm Lead. Context: 90 ppm Lead is considered unsafe in items intended for use by children.
Starbucks Coffee Recycled Glass Tumbler: 1,732 ppm Lead [For context: 100 ppm Lead is considered unsafe in toys.]