Tamara’s Toxic Dishes Guide: “Do my dishes have Lead?” Read this article to check if YOUR china has Lead!
BIA Cordon Bleu International Dish – Indonesia: 6,081 ppm Lead (in the back mark.) 90 is unsafe in items used by kids.
Pioneer Woman “Vintage Floral” Teal Dipping Bowl: As high as 6,140 ppm Lead (90 ppm is unsafe in kids’ items)
Vintage Queen Anne “Country Gardens” Pattern Bone China Teacup: 81,300 ppm Lead [90 ppm is unsafe for kids.]
Vale Saucer Made in Longton England: 54,600 ppm Lead. 90 ppm Lead is considered unsafe in items used by kids.
Vintage Johnson Brothers Fish Plate (Design No. 3), Made in England: 70,800 ppm Lead (90 is unsafe for kids)
This vintage Lenox china has glaze that’s more than 13% Lead! [136,000 ppm] – 90 ppm is unsafe for kids.
Red Waechtersbach German Nesting Bowl, Purchased at Williams Sonoma c. 2009: 40,100 ppm Lead & 3,506 ppm Cadmium.
#AskTamara: Do my Waechtersbach nesting bowls have heavy metals (like Lead and Cadmium) in the glaze?