White Ceramic Ikea 365 Mug, Made in Romania: Lead Safe
#LeadSafe | #LowLead | Ikea | Ikea 365 | Ikea Mug | Ikea Mugs | Lead Safe Mug | Made In Romania | Mug | Mugs | Susan Pryke | Susan Pryke Designer | White | White Ceramic | White China | White Dishes | White Glaze | White Ikea Dishes | White Pottery | XRF Testing | XRFTesting
White Ceramic Ikea 365 Mug, Made in Romania: Lead Safe When tested with an XRF instrument, the readings on the mug picture here are as follows Lead (Pb): 37 +/- 11 ppm Mercury (Hg): Non-Detect / Negative Cadmium (Cd): Non-Detect / Negative Arsenic (As): Non-Detect / Negative Barium (Ba): 91 +/- 41 ppm Antimony (Sb): Non-Detect / Negative…