Green glass bottle for Ferrarelle Mineral Water: 151 ppm Lead in the green glass. 90 is unsafe for in items used by kids.
Voss Glass Water Bottle (c. 2018): Non-detect (negative) for Lead, Cadmium, Arsenic, Antimony & Mercury!
I’m sort of in love with this store! Miniso 2019 “Smile, Enjoy Your Life” Glass Water Bottle: Lead-Free (Cadmium Free, etc.)
Boroux “lead-free” water bottle painted logo positive for: 2,235 ppm Lead, 140 ppm Cadmium, 301 ppm Arsenic.
Dr. Brown’s Natural Flow Glass Baby Bottle: Lead-free, but trace Cadmium found in the glass of the bottle & nipple
Green Glass Water Bottle – Mountain Valley: 86 ppm Lead + 11 ppm Cadmium (in the glass, not the water.)
San Pellegrino Water Bottle: 116 ppm Lead in the green glass, 90 is unsafe in items used by kids. Please click & read to learn more.