Crate & Barrel Mug

2021 Crate & Barrel 15 oz Essential Mug, Made in Indonesia: 4,365 ppm Lead in the black logo mark on the bottom of the mug.

2021 Crate & Barrel 15 oz Essential Mug, Made in Indonesia: 4,365 ppm Lead in the black logo mark on the bottom of the mug.

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  2021 Crate & Barrel 15 oz Essential Mug, Made in Indonesia: 256-870 Reading #1) on plain white of mug 60-second reading Lead (Pb): 24 +/- 3 ppm Cadmium (Cd): non-detect Mercury  (Hg): non-detect Bromine (Br): non-detect Chromium (Cr): non-detect Iron (Fe): 614 +/- 44 ppm Tin (Sn): 6 +/- 3 ppm Platinum (Pt): 23 +/-…

#LeadFree: Crate & Barrel Made In Japan White Ceramic Mug

#LeadFree: Crate & Barrel Made In Japan White Ceramic Mug

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This Crate & Barrel white ceramic mug (Made In Japan) was negative (non-detect/ND) for lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd) and arsenic (As) when tested with an XRF instrument. The glaze on the main part of the cup was positive for the following metals when tested with an XRF instrument: Barium (Ba): 131 +/- 42…

#LeadSafe: 2012 White Square Crate & Barrel Dishes

#LeadSafe: 2012 White Square Crate & Barrel Dishes

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2012 Crate & Barrel, Square Pattern Dishes, Made In China. Small white plate: 49 +/- 14 ppm lead. Medium white plate:  85 +/- 17 ppm lead. Large white plate: 110 +/- 21 ppm lead. White bowl:  57 +/- 14 ppm lead. Mug: 82 +/- 18 ppm lead. Glass: ND 4 all. Here’s a link to…