2019 miniature Starbucks cup ceramic Christmas ornament (red & green): 529 ppm Cadmium (40 ppm is unsafe for kids)
2019 Starbucks logo ceramic bag Christmas ornament: 82 ppm Lead + 55 ppm Cadmium (40 ppm is unsafe for kids)
2019 Starbucks Washington State bag Christmas ornament: 433 +/- 24 ppm Cadmium (40 ppm is unsafe for kids)
How toxic is YOUR Starbucks Christmas mug? This one has 1,037 ppm Cadmium — a carcinogen (over 40 ppm is illegal*)
Pfaltzgraff Made in USA Christmas Dish w/ Holly: 17,400 ppm Lead (90 is unsafe) + 780 ppm Cadmium (a carcinogen)
Small Blue Enamelware Camping Cup / Espresso Cup: 48 ppm Lead, 63 ppm Arsenic, 137 ppm Antimony – three neurotoxins.
Small Red Enamelware Camping Cup / Espresso Cup: 8,851 ppm Cadmium [≥40 ppm is illegal in Washington State]
Crystal bracelet (c. 2014), costume jewelry: 70,700 ppm Lead (90 is unsafe) + 149,600 ppm Cadmium (75 ppm is unsafe.)
Made In France (c. 2013) Yellow Le Creuset Sauce Pan [#21]: 19,600 ppm Cadmium (a known carcinogen) + 48 ppm Lead.
Made in France (c. 2013) Yellow Oval Le Creuset Enameled Cast Iron Casserole (#29): 17,700 ppm Cadmium (a known carcinogen)
Does your baby’s cup have toxic heavy metals in it? This enamelware “baby cup” tested positive for 16,200 ppm Cadmium!
XRF Test Results For Cardew Design Made in China (Designed In England) Wizard of Oz Commemorative Mug Set
#AskTamara: Are my kids’ crayons toxic? Which brand of crayons is safe? Crayola? Filana? Stockmar? Honey Sticks?
Royal Norfolk Ceramic Snowman Christmas Mug: 1007 ppm Lead + 539 ppm Cadmium (90 ppm Lead, 40 ppm Cadmium is unsafe)
Diva Brand White Silicone Menstrual Cup: Lead-free but Positive for Traces of Cadmium — Safe by all Current Regulatory Standards