Vintage Wilkerson Glass blue bowl: Lead-free, Arsenic-free, Mercury-free (10 ppm Cadmium & 1,451 ppm Antimony)
Dollar Store blue “carnival glass” bottle with golden leaf ornament: Negative for Lead, Arsenic, Mercury, & Antimony
Blue Glass 4 oz Bottle for Physica Green Light Supplement: Positive for Trace Cadmium (15 ppm) and Antimony (25 ppm)
Blue Duralex Picardie Colors Tumbler from Rainbow Set: Lead-Free, Arsenic-Free, Cadmium-Free and Mercury-Free!
Newer “Made In France” Duralex marine blue tumbler: Lead Free! These are the drinking glasses we use in our home.
Blue Ball brand canning jar: 53 ppm Lead + 13 ppm Cadmium (safe by all standards.) I avoid the tinted jars.