#AskTamara: “Are the 3M Lead Check swabs sufficient to test the surfaces of toys? Is it better than nothing?”
Natural Chelation: Food-Based Interventions & Why I (Personally) Don’t use Supplements (Also: Can you remove Lead from the body?)
Pioneer Woman “Vintage Floral” Teal Dipping Bowl: As high as 6,140 ppm Lead (90 ppm is unsafe in kids’ items)
#AskTamara: How can I test my water for Lead? How do I test the water in my home? How do I test the water in my kids’ school?
#AskTamara: Do my Waechtersbach nesting bowls have heavy metals (like Lead and Cadmium) in the glaze?
#AskTamara: Is there Lead paint on the outside of my “Jervis & George” reusable glass baby food container?
#AskTamara: Q. Is there lead in my vintage sex toys? Answer. Maybe. This one has 8,109 ppm Lead + Cadmium – 18 ppm
#AskTamara: Q. Could A Vintage Leaded Brass Mouthpiece Cause Kidney Failure In A Trumpet Player? A. Maybe
#AskTamara: Do modern Halloween masks have Lead? Does my Halloween gorilla mask have any toxic chemicals?
Click to read the full XRF test results for Stockmar beeswax crayons (testing for Lead, Cadmium, Arsenic, etc.)
Question: Do Crayola Crayons have Lead? Answer: Yes they do, at levels considered safe for toys but unsafe for food.
I asked for help with my disabled children and the special education program administrator called me “Crazy”.
#AskTamara: I’m concerned that contractors at my Portland, Oregon elementary school are not using lead safe work practices. What should I do?
#AskTamara: Are my kids’ crayons toxic? Which brand of crayons is safe? Crayola? Filana? Stockmar? Honey Sticks?
#AskTamara: Q. Does my Instant Pot have Lead? A. Yes, some. Here are the test results for a 6-quart Instant Pot purchased on Amazon.