Andrew Cutler

Today’s Amazon deal! A set of TEN Lead-free mixing & prep bowls for just $22.49!

Today’s Amazon deal! A set of TEN Lead-free mixing & prep bowls for just $22.49!

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December 6, 2021 – Monday Click the image on this post to get to the Amazon listing for these bowls. They are on sale right now. Amazon links on are Affilate links and if you purchase something after clicking on one of our links Lead Safe Mama, LLC may receive a small percentage of…

Avi Says

Why I don’t trust Andrew Cutler’s work, by Tamara Rubin, #LeadSafeMama

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Today, in response to my recent post about supplements and detox protocols, I got the following comment (screenshot below.) I get this comment a lot and wanted to respond in a way that was unambiguous to Chris. Once I wrote my response to Chris’ comment I realized that my perspective on this is something others…