Best July Ever for Lead Safe Mama, LLC — Final July 2024 Outreach Numbers
July 2024 Final Numbers
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Published on Instagram — August 1, 2024
Happy August Everyone!
Thank you for helping to make this the best July ever for the reach and impact of the community collaborative advocacy work of Lead Safe Mama, LLC.
You are an important part of this movement – and we couldn’t accomplish what we do without you!
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
Not only was this the “Best July Ever” – it was our 8th best month of all time for reach and readership of the website – making this the 9th month ever that we have reached (and passed!) our primary monthly readership goal (of at least 600,000 unique page views per month!) … with three of those nine months landing in 2024 already (and with 5 months left to go in the year still!)… which makes this a pretty good year already!
Please keep sharing about the work we do here.
Please keep asking questions.
Please keep relying on science to help you make more-informed choices to keep your family safe!
For me the most exciting metric on this graphic is that we now have 78,125 Instagram followers – up from 70,960 one month ago. That’s a 10.1 % increase in our Instagram community in a single month!
If this growth keeps up through to the end of the year, we might have
…86,000 Instagram followers by the end of August
…94,703 by the end of September
… 104,268 by the end of October
…114,799 by the end of November and…
…126,394 Instagram followers by the end of 2024!
While anything could happen – thinking about the possibility of having so many new voices engaged in the international conversation for childhood Lead poisoning prevention and consumer goods safety is truly inspiring and a big incentive to keep doing what we do here!
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