Food Testing Fundraising Campaigns Update — All Batches of Lead Safe Mama, LLC Food Testing (2024)

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    1. Hi. Thank you for all you do. I’m shocked that some of the products I thought were safe are high in lead. My question is – are these companies required to test for these elements (lead, cadmium, etc.)? Did they ignore a regulation or law?


          1. No – My findings are 100% science-based, accurate and replicable. When companies threaten to sue me (which they often do)- they have no grounds. I share the science and am very careful about my language to make sure everything I say about specific products is indisputable. 🙂


        1. I have access to Tort attorneys, so that’s why I’m asking. They can sue these companies on the consumers behalf. I’m stuck with a bunch of Celtic Sea Salt and Casava chips. We not only have been financially damaged but so has our health. My question to you about attorneys is have you approached an attorney to find out what can be done about this problem of having lead, cadmium, etc. in food products, not have they approached you.

          1. I am talking to a few regulatory agencies – and the legal team representing consumer protections for the City of Los Angeles. I have also been in touch with As You Sow over the past few years but they have not followed up on any of my work (that I am aware of).


  1. I love how organized and transparent you are with everything! I absolutely love these gofundme accounts to test food, such a great idea!

    Thank you!

  2. When I click on “Published” in the spreadsheet it just enlarges the image. May I know if there’s a way to see the published results?

  3. Is there an alternate option rather than GoFundMe? We’ve boycotted them since their egregious theft and reallocation of funds donated in Canada.

    1. oh my – ummmm – you can venmo or paypal and let me know which campaign it is for if that is easier for you. Venmo is @TamaraERubin (digits: 3182), PayPal is (funds contributed via any of these channels are accounted for as business income to Lead Safe Mama, LLC). Thank you!

      1. I agree with you Kathy, something as to be done to reform what they allow in PROCESSED food. I think we the public should take action first. Do not buy it or consume minimally those type of processed food.

  4. Here it is July 9, 2024 and I just stumbled upon your page via a bioengeneered food group page on Facebook. It is a real eye opener when you look at the amounts of poison in our foods. I have signed up for your emails and will follow your page! Something has to be done to reform what they allow in our food. Thank you for your dedication and hard work!

  5. Thank you for your great work as always Tamara!
    Have you ever tested oven mitts? I am looking for new ones at the moment and want to make sure they’re non-toxic and safe for handling cookware.

  6. What is the process for suggesting a food for testing? And the archive of what has already been tested? Sorry if I have missed the explanation elsewhere.

  7. Thank you for doing all of this great work!!! Just subscribed to newsletter. Any plans to test Annie’s Cocoa Bunnies (cereal) or Kodiak dark chocolate waffles, as I see both of these products prominently in stores these days?

      1. You people ‍♂️, just say we can’t eat anything would be better. While you getting donations you should be telling people theres only a limited selection of food they can consume that isn’t tainted with something. And don’t say organic because if it’s grown outside a greenhouse it’s technically not organic due to CHEMTRAILS and GMO crops near.

  8. Hi Tamara,
    Have you tested any of the Organic brands of flour or chia seeds at costco? I use chia quite a bit and I’m concerned that I’m reading it soaks up metals.
    Thank you for all you are doing!

    1. Hi Jana, thanks for commenting!

      All of the foods tested so far or that are cued up for testing are in the spreadsheet above including all of the flour products that have been tested. If you’re interested in nominating a specific product for testing you can check out this link for more info:

      If you want to see the currently active testing gofundme campaigns so you can support directly, you can visit this link:

  9. Hi Tamara,
    Thank you so much for what you’re done! Could you please test Bob’s Red Mill Organic Unbleached White All-Purpose Flour and Kirkland Signature Organic Unbleached All Purpose Flour? They are used by lots of people and more affordable. Many thanks!

  10. I hope we find some safe foods with good ingredients..

    I would donate for these products for sure– (in addition to some that are in the works already!)*1lubdlw*_up*MQ..&gclid=CjwKCAjw5qC2BhB8EiwAvqa41gZ1RzmnFiLAvKIZ2zPN_SW9KmqYTKIt0lLFncnwqfF75cWi9o657BoClZcQAvD_BwE&variant=40713828532306

    Organic fruits! Strawberry, watermelon, blueberry, etc.

  11. I would love to see Enjoy Life semi sweet chocolate chips or chunks tested. They have been our go to chocolate chips for home baked treats and are touted as the best option being free of multiple allergens. They claim to adhere to Prop65 regulations but won’t share testing information. I would definitely contribute to a GoFund Me for testing their products. I’m limiting chocolate in our home regardless but I’d like to know how these test.

  12. Hi Tamara,

    Can you please test Simple Mills Chocolate Chip cookies?

    It would also be really nice to find a cereal (similar to Cascadian Farms O’s) that is non-detect for heavy metals.

    Thank you for all you do!!

  13. I love and fully support your endeavor. The work you are doing for us is priceless!
    My question is why not also test for glyphosate when testing for heavy metals? Especially since glyphosate has been found in most foods we consume, even in some organic foods.

    Thank You!

    1. The glyphosate testing is an additional $1,600 to $2,000 per food item. We plan to eventually only test foods that are free of Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, & Arsenic for glyphosate and other contaminants – but we’re not there yet.

  14. Are there children’s multivitamins that have been tested & don’t have heavy metals? I’ve been using hiya per a super pricey alternative nutritionist. They are so expensive & are contaminated with lead, so upsetting. I’d love a brand that’s safe. I’d absolutely be willing to donate for this testing. Please email me. Thx!

    1. Hi Sarah,

      By eliminating all the ones Tamara has tested, there remains Renzo’s Multivitamin (can be purchased on Amazon). I’ve requested she test this product, but she needs more formal requests for it. If you can send an email to : with subject FOOD TESTING and request she tests this vitamin (Lil Green Apple flavor is what I requested) using the link below, we can hopefully be one step closer to finding a clean vitamin. Fingers crossed once she adds it to the campaign. Thanks for your help and hopefully this helps us both!

  15. Do you know when the Ritual prenatal vitamins will be published? I swear I saw those were funded but I’m not finding it in the list. I’m currently taking these and hopeful they are safe! Thank you so much for all of the work you do!

    1. We’re waiting for the lab to get back to us on some of the testing specifications. Hopefully we will have that in the next two weeks.

  16. I followed the link but see this message here: “The data that used to be displayed on this page has moved”. Can you give the l blno for where you moved the data for the latest round of heavy metal testing in food/grains?

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