January 2024 Amazon Picks: Lead Safe Mama, LLC’s Lead-Free Product Recommendations

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For those new to the Lead Safe Mama website:

Tamara Rubin is a multiple-federal-award-winning independent advocate for childhood Lead poisoning prevention and consumer goods safety, and a documentary filmmaker. She is also a mother of Lead-poisoned children (two of her sons were acutely Lead-poisoned in 2005).

Published: January 28, 2024
Prices (and discounts) noted below may change

Since some news stories featuring the work of Lead Safe Mama, LLC this week made a point of highlighting the fact that Lead Safe Mama, LLC actually earns MONEY (G-d forbid!) — partly via affiliate links — to help cover the costs of the independent consumer goods testing and childhood Lead poisoning prevention work we do (helping families around the world), I thought this was a good time to share some Lead-free choices available on Amazon this week.

We choose all affiliate links we share VERY selectively. In the Lead-free shopping lists we compile for each month, we only share about known 100% Lead-free products. Using XRF technology, we have either tested the exact product linked (in many cases these are products I own personally and use in my home with my family) OR we share links for products from companies that we have tested hundreds of similar examples from and found the company to consistently manufacture Lead-free products.

Pro-tip for supporting the work of Lead Safe Mama, LLC: You don’t need to purchase the items we link to in order for us to receive a percentage of what you spend (at no extra cost to you). If you simply click on one of our links before starting any of your Amazon shopping (maybe your groceries, for example?) and then go about your shopping as you normally would, we may receive a percentage of what you spend (again, at no extra cost to you)!

Many of the items we share can be found at cheaper prices at your local brick and mortar store (Target, Walmart, etc.), so we always encourage you to reference our shopping lists when you are out and about in the world. For future reference, our monthly shopping lists (with Lead-free choices) are all linked at the bottom of the website menu (section #15). Here’s the website menu link if you want to check out any shopping lists from previous months.

Lead-Free Baking Ware

  1. Pie Plates — 14% off — $29.99, set of three: https://amzn.to/3Og7puc
  2. Loaf Pan — 13% off — $17.07, set of two: https://amzn.to/3vR2ERt
  3. Cookie Sheets — 9% off — $20.00, set of three: https://amzn.to/3OjmqLH
    • (These are inexpensive and sometimes bend with heating, but return to flat with cooling. For a choice that does not do that you would have to spend quite a bit more, so this is a good starting point for switching out your cookie sheets even if it may not be your forever choice!)
  4. Lemon Juicer/ Measuring Cup — $24.90, https://amzn.to/4966Tqq
  5. Blender — 10% 0ff — $99.50, https://amzn.to/47UbNpE
  6. Casserole Dishes — 16% off — $41.99, set of three: https://amzn.to/47RIy6O
  7. Dutch Oven — 10% off — $71.99: https://amzn.to/3SAA67w
  8. Mixing Bowls — $18.27, set of three: https://amzn.to/3Okw2pm
  9. Measuring Spoons — $23.95: https://amzn.to/3SgSaCr

Lead-Free Glassware & Drinkware

  1. Water/ Milk/ Juice Glasses — 20% off — $30.40, set of six: https://amzn.to/48N3VYn
  2. Old Fashioned Glasses — 10% off — $26.94, set of six: https://amzn.to/3u9PH4v
  3. Wine Glasses — $36.43, set of six: https://amzn.to/3vUj2Rb
  4. Beverage Pitcher — 11% off — $24.99: https://amzn.to/3SA1x1n
  5. Coffee Cups — 30% off — $27.42, set of six: https://amzn.to/3SCDsXP

Lead-Free Dishes

  1. Steak Plates — $75.75, set of 12: https://amzn.to/47U242o
  2. Salad Plates — $41.00, set of 12: https://amzn.to/3UjNNJu
  3. Service for four — $39.99, 12-pieces: https://amzn.to/3OmjspP

Lead-Free/ Cadmium-Free Children’s Dishes (on sale, 20% off)

  1. Rainbow Set: https://amzn.to/487Cnwr
  2. Blue Set: https://amzn.to/478q3uj
  3. Silver Set: https://amzn.to/3ND04nV

Amazon links are affiliate links. If you purchase something after clicking on a Lead Safe Mama, LLC affiliate link, Lead Safe Mama, LLC may receive a percentage of what you spend at no extra cost to you.

Thank you for supporting this work in this way!

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  1. Hello Tamara, thank you for the basic kitchen needs list. Two items I’ve been trying to locate lead free and you had the options listed! Have you ever tested USA Pan they sell sheet pans? You mentioned another more costly option for sheet pans, can you add that to the list for comparison?

      1. I can’t afford the brand you mentioned but do have a couple USA Pans, sure hope they are safe! Thoughts?

    1. I am concerned about my dogs ceramic food bowell have you tested any pet dishes or water dishes from chewy
      I love chewy but my dog takes his food out and eats off floor and usually he is smarter than I am
      Also I don’t care if you make money who would ? This is important science and paramount to my health right this very moment. If you charged your email list I would pay. I doubt sincerely it comprises your science or ethics. Keep up the tireless work.

      1. Would you guess (even if you have not tested them) that Sur La Table stainless steel measuring cups and spoons are safe? They say they are stainless and I’m taking off the key-ring that connects them together. The handles don’t have any grips on them or anything like that, just plain. Thank you for all you do!

  2. Do you know how long ago you tested the Cuisinel brand cast iron? I have a set from 2021 that tested positive for trace amounts of lead under XRF when we had a home inspection attempting to find the source of my daughters lead poisoning.

  3. Hi Tamara,
    Thank you for all your work !
    I need asap a new electric coffee maker , what would recommend being lead free???
    Thanks again !

  4. Hi Tamara! You do a great job!!
    What about pots and pans. I have a big concern what to choose for me and my baby. Is this stainless steel set which you bought for your son you still recommend?

  5. GoodCook brand measuring cups and spoons at Walmart? Say stainless steel, but do they have additional contaminants? Looking for low cost options available to non-chef-class cooks. Most of my kitchen now needs replacement.
    (3M no longer sells testing tools? Yikes!)

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