Another Lead Safe Mama Lead-free favorite — clear glass butter dishes!

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Monday — December 19, 2022

I don’t actually own one of these glass butter dishes at the moment (I’ve personally [again!] sworn off dairy as of this week since it makes it hard for me to breathe/makes me cough even in trace amounts!), but I have put some selections below from two brands I trust. I also purchased a fun one that looks promising (#3), and will post the results for that as soon as I have tested it! 

#1) This is a set of two on sale today for $21.24 today on Amazon — from a trusted brand that consistently makes Lead-free products:

#2) This choice is $18.99 on Amazon today — new products from this brand are also normally Lead-free (plus it is so cute with the cow design!):

#3) This is the one I purchased for testing  — it’s a set of two for $21.99:’s the link to the test results for this product


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  1. So funny, I was just looking at butter dishes on Amazon yesterday and paused on buying one with the intent to come see if you’d tested any ☺️

  2. So none of these 3 have been tested? Are there any you have tested?

    I have a nice large one that is Pioneer Woman brand, clear glass. I suppose that needs testing though to be sure there is no lead?

    Kind regards, Deb

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