Royal Doulton China graphic to share with your friends and family (as we head into the holiday season!)
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Here’s a link to the Royal Doulton category of articles here on the site!
After seeing the Johnson Brothers graphic, a reader asked if I would create one for Royal Doulton — so here you go! As with the Johnson Brothers graphic, you can click and drag this image to your desktop (or save it to your phone photo library) and share it directly on your social media channels, if you like!
For those looking for some safer (confirmed lead-free) dish options – here are a few (relatively inexpensive) choices to consider:
- Prices below are from April 4, 2024
- 18-piece service for 6: $53.57 (Made in USA) –
- 78-piece service for 12: $199.99 (Made in USA) –
- Set of 6 dinner plates: $38.74 (Made in France) –
- Set of 6 dinner plates: $17.49 (Made in Spain) –
- You can also buy clear glass (unpainted, undecorated) dinner plates from the Dollar Store – and they are typically also Lead-free.
- The white glass plates from Target are also Lead-free (test results here)
- The white glass plates from Ikea are also Lead-free (test results here)
Amazon links are affiliate links. If you purchase something after clicking one of Lead Safe Mama, LLC’s affiliate links, we may receive a percentage of what you spend (at no extra cost to you).
For those new to the Lead Safe Mama website:
Tamara Rubin is a multiple-federal-award-winning independent advocate for childhood Lead poisoning prevention and consumer goods safety, and a documentary filmmaker. She is also a mother of Lead-poisoned children (two of her four sons were acutely Lead-poisoned in 2005).
- Tamara owns and runs Lead Safe Mama, LLC — a unique community collaborative woman-owned small business for childhood Lead poisoning prevention and consumer goods safety.
- Since 2009, Tamara has been conducting XRF testing (a scientific testing method) using the exact instrumentation employed by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission to test consumer goods for toxicants (specifically heavy metals — including Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, Antimony, and Arsenic).
- Since July of 2022, the work of Lead Safe Mama, LLC has been responsible for 5 product recalls (FDA and CPSC).
- All test results reported on this website are science-based, accurate, and replicable.
- Items that Lead Safe Mama, LLC reports on are tested multiple times to confirm the results published (for each component tested).
- Recent notable press… There has been too much to mention already in 2024! Please check out our press page to see some of the amazing coverage of our work so far this year!
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Is buffalo China USA ltead free?
What year is bunnykins safe?
2012 and later
Is this true for all countries? I am in Canada
What year of Royal Daulton (blueberry pattern) is considered safe, if any? Thanks for your work!
I have Royal Doulton Morning Star made in England, probably dating from the ‘70s. Have you tested this range and, if not, do you accept samples by post for testing?
That particular china (made in that time frame) is not safe for using for food.
In a previous article you posted that older Corelle before 2005 was unsafe for food. Does this include the frost white?
This does not include the plain white – correct.
Did the Corelle dolphin pattern have lead issues?
From what year of production?
Glad I read all this. Can you tell me if Royal Doulton Studio Provence Fine China (my everyday) is safe? Made 2002-2012.
I was about to switch and use Mikasa Ultimata+ antique white from ~ early2000’s
Last, inheriting a lot of blue/White:
Johnson Brothers Blue willow (1980-1990s) : is this time frame consistent with lead ?
Rice china from China , 1990s – ever tested this?