This past Saturday (8/20/22) THIS YEAR (2022) became the BEST YEAR EVER, in terms of the reach and impact of!
Wednesday – August 24, 2022
When you are running a grassroots movement like this, you have to be the one to share about the milestones that are reached and the progress that is made — no one else is gonna do it! Accordingly, I must share the good news… possibly, the most exciting milestone to date – in terms of the global reach and impact of the childhood Lead-poisoning advocacy work of the international community that collectively comprises Lead Safe Mama:
On Saturday (August 20, 2022), the year “2022” became the “Best Year Ever” for the objectively-quantifyable indicators of the global reach and impact of this work — we measure this exclusively, thanks to some help from JetPack and Google Analytics, by tracking “unique page views” (how many times any page is read here on the website – added together over the course of a week, a month, or a year).
Prior to this year, our “Best Year Ever” was the calendar year 2019; as you can see from the chart above, in 2019 the site saw a total of 3,826,912 page views across the entire 12 months of that calendar year. This was a THRILLING accomplishment, up from 859,201 unique page views the year before (so an increase of nearly 3,000,000 page views in one single year!) Since then, we had been “holding steady” [due to the disruption and chaos of the universal pandemic impacts] in the 3,000,000 page views “range” (with the word range being generously applied!) for 2020 and 2021.
Now, in August 2022 – with more than 4 months still left to go in the year – we just passed the total page views for ALL of 2019 [3,826,912 – the previous best year ever] – with 3,827,279 page views, as of August 20, 2022 around 2:22 p.m.! Our average daily page views for the year on this date (this past Saturday) was 16,549 (see chart at bottom of page) – which… if this continues… could mean we may close out the year with (possibly) close to 6,040,385 page views for the year [just a wee bit shy of our long-term goal (for the work of Lead Safe Mama, LLC to be fully financially self-sustaining) of 7,300,000! Even in the unlikely event that the rest of the year were to turn out to be relatively uneventful (in terms of readership — with “only” 300,000 page views per month/10,000 page views on average per day), we can solidly expect to close out the year with more than 5,000,000 [FIVE MILLION!] unique page views!
But that’s not all!
The fabulous numbers (specifically the number of unique page views as one metric quantifying the reach of the work of Lead Safe Mama, LLC so far this year) is not even the most exciting thing to share about today — what is possibly even more exciting is the map at the top of the page; all of the areas in blue (any shade of blue) are areas in the world with Lead Safe Mama readers. Check out that map! The areas in red (thanks to my son for helping me put this graphic together from the data!) are the few remaining areas without Lead Safe Mama readers!
I’m truly blown away every time I look at this map! I am so thankful for this community – you, Lead Safe Mama readers – and for what you are doing to spread the word to help protect children everywhere from exposure to Lead in their homes, schools and communities. This map really clearly demonstrates that when we say “everywhere”, we really mean it; when we say “reaching every family in the world with this message” is our goal – we are truly making an effort to make that happen. If you scroll down below you will see the *top* 90 countries / locations – out of more than 200 (per Google analytics) – where there are Lead Safe Mama readers, and how many readers there have been in each of those locations so far this year.
Thank you! I truly cannot express my gratitude for this community and the impact that we are making – together!
Check out all of the images below – including the top 90 locations / countries in the world with LeadSafeMama readers!

More stats images below!

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