Trina (owner of Primal Life Organics) says her (Lead-contaminated) Dirty Mouth Toothpowder is “Safe To Swallow” (& that swallowing may even be beneficial!), but (6/24) advises customers against swallowing it. Which is it?
June 25, 2022 – Saturday
Another Chapter in the Contradictory Messaging from Primal Life Organics – as it relates to their Lead-contaminated tooth powder.
Images below:
- A screenshot of Trina’s June 24, 2022 statement which was sent to customers who expressed concerns for Lead and other toxicants found in her toothpowder – concerns based on the June 2022 findings by Lead Safe Mama, LLC which confirmed the Lead levels in the COA (Certificate of Analysis) from Lone Star Botanicals that Trina has shared with Primal Life Organics customers (the COA that clearly states the Lead levels of the bentonite clay used as the primary ingredient in the Primal Life Organics toothpowder.)
- Two images of a package of Primal Life Organic’s Dirty Mouth Toothpowder (shared with us by a Lead Safe Mama reader who had previously purchased the product and assumed from the language on the container and other related marketing materials that the product was safe for children and safe to swallow.)
- June 20, 2022 comment by Trina Felber (owner of Primal Life Organics) on the Lead Safe Mama Instagram page in response to our sharing her June 20, 2022 email to me (which included incorrect math and several blatant misstatements of fact.)
- A Primal Life Organics’ Facebook Post from April 15, 2014 – stating the toothpowder product is safe to swallow and that it may even have beneficial properties.
- Sears website listing for Primal Life Organics Dirty Mouth Tooth Powder (June of 2022) – also with “Safe to Swallow” language.
- A screenshot from Primal Life Organics’ FAQ website page listing from June 21, 2022 – answering the question “Is it safe to swallow”
#1) First – from Trina’s “missive” from yesterday, 6/24/2022
Trina’s statement yesterday: Primal Life Organic’s Dirty Mouth Toothpowder is not meant to be swallowed or ingested. Please remember, (sic) that toothpaste and toothpowder are not meant to be swallowed and is not considered consumable item.”
#2) Two images shared by a Lead Safe Mama reader 6/24/2022 – showing their package of Primal Life Organics Dirty Mouth Toothpowder and the language on the package.
The language printed on the package clearly states: “Spit or swallow. (Yes! Our formula is safe to swallow.)”
#3) A screenshot of a comment on the Lead Safe Mama Instagram page from 6/20/2022 – by Trina Felber – owner of Primal Life Organics.
“The Lead in clay is not bio-available,” (note, this is a false statement – see study linked here) “which means it is not absorbed by the body. Our bentonite clay is PHARMACEUTICAL GRADE and safe for ingesting – although we use it in toothpowder and direct you to spit it out. The size of the particles (lead and other metals) are too large to cross the lipid barrier (based on science) and cannot be absorbed by the body.” [also not true, see study linked above]. “The metals are negatively charged “[Also not true as it relates to Lead, Lead always has a positive charge – with no exception] “and therefore are not absorbable.” [Not true, see study linked above.]
#4) Screenshot of a Facebook post on the Primal Life Organics page from 4/15/2014 – espousing potential health benefits of swallowing:
Post Title: Do you Spit or Swallow… your Dirty Mouth Toothpowder?? Trina’s answer: Very good question! Yes, you can ingest Dirty Mouth Toothpowder for the detox effect from the clay (bentonite, white kaolin and French green) – it will not have a large effect, but twice a day should help a bit, I actually swallow my toothpowder most of the time for the detox effect – and I know my kids swallow theirs… maybe that is why they have so much energy!* Thanks for asking!
*Note: this comment is a bit disturbing as persistent / chronic trace lead exposure in childhood has been definitively linked to ADHD – which can present as “high energy” in undiagnosed cases.
#5) Sears website listing for Primal Life Organics Dirty Mouth Tooth Powder
Language excerpt from below: “SAFE FOR YOUR KIDS”….” Although our toothpowder is safe to swallow we recommend spitting it out to keep the clay from absorbing toxins.” [WTF does that even mean!?]
#6) Primal Life Organics website FAQ for the question “Is it safe to swallow” the Dirty Mouth Tooth Powder
Answer: “Hi. Yes, while we recommend spitting (because the clay can absorb toxins from the surface of you [sic] gum tissue and teeth) the ingredients are safe to swallow.” Note: this is still up as written today on 6/25/22 – Saturday.
Please feel free to share your screenshots and images related to this subject with me (especially if you have other images or emails where she asserted the product was safe to swallow and/or safe for children OR that it has any potential medical benefits or implications) at
Thank you.
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Great work.
I have a lot of faith in you and so do thousands or even millions of other people! Keep up the great work you do to keep us healthy and wise! There’s only ONE Tamara Rubin! Don’t let dumbbells get you down! I really like the George Orwell quote; it was very appropriate for the situation. Lots of aloha from Hawaii
Primal life ceo needs to test her kids for lead poisoning!
Is all clay dangerous? What about kaolin?
I would also like to know if kaolin clay is high in lead. We use the Shine tooth powder by OraWellness.
We use the toothpastes from Tamara’s recommended list now, but my fav makeup powder is kaolin clay. I just switched to rose petal face powder, just in case!
Could you share a brand for the rose petal powder? TIA!
Sure! This product has not been tested by tamara. But rose petals have to be safer than kaolin right! On Etsy the shop is called greensetorganicsNP the powder is titled translucent rose petal face powder. I use Etsy for 90% of my skincare now. sometimes etsy shops are hard to search. Hopefully link works.