We heard from the judge yesterday – about scheduling oral arguments in my Federal Civil Rights Case.
Link with all the ways you can help (including the direct GoFundMe link): https://tamararubin.com/2021/07/ways-to-support-the-work-of-lead-safe-mama-llc/
Link with the most recent filing that is up on the website (I will post a new update shortly): https://tamararubin.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Third-Amended-Complaint-Lead-Safe-Mama-2021.pdf
Text from the image:
5/11/2022 – Wednesday
Yesterday the judge reached out to our Civil Rights attorney to schedule oral arguments in our Federal Civil Rights case. For those who are new here, we are suing the State of Oregon in Federal court for multiple counts of civil rights violations against me that attempted to destroy my work as an activist & succeeded in causing great harm and trauma to me and my family.
I need to come up with $2,500 (or more) for my lawyer’s time at this phase of things. If anyone can help in any way please let me know. [I’m not asking for handouts… hire me? pay in advance for my services for later this year / October? Make a loan to my business to be repaid when the lawsuit concludes. Thank you for considering these and other options.]
The most recent filings for the lawsuit are on the LeadSafeMama website (& I will post an update there with the latest this week as well). I will also include a link with this image.
Yes – this lawsuit has been dragging on forever (the unprovoked attacks and false accusations started around the time of my presentation with Bernie Sanders in Flint more than 6 years ago) BUT we are nearing the end and headed to a jury trial that will hopefully hold the State agencies and bad actors accountable for their egregious misdeeds – so they can not / will not do this to other activists or any other citizens in the future.
If you do want to make a contribution, look up Lead Safe Mama on GoFundMe – or check out the “Ways you can help” page on the home page of the LeadSafeMama.com website. Thanks everyone! Payments can also be made directly to our legal team if you prefer.
Tamara Rubin
Owner – Lead Safe Mama, LLC
Text me with q’s : 415-609-3182

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