XRF Update & Request: April 18, 2022

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April 18, 2022 – Monday

Hey all!

Lead Safe Mama, LLC is NOT a nonprofit, we are (instead) a unique community-collaborative small business. Our work is directed by your requests and it is also (in part) funded by contributions* from our readers.

In recent months we have been working very hard to earn the $ to pay off the $15,000 loan that we received to refurbish the two (new-to-us) XRF instruments (the primary tool we use for testing consumer goods.)

We finally (this week!) have our first instrument back – in our hands – refurbished and working! The second instrument is still in the shop.

Last month we paid off $2,500 of the loan for the refurbishment and now we have just $12,500 left to go.

If you feel the XRF testing that we share about (information we provide to readers free of charge / not behind a paywall) has helped you in any way, we would truly appreciate it if you would consider making even just a small contribution to help us pay off this loan (a loan that helped to make the testing we do possible!) We would like to make a second payment of $2,501 this month if at all possible. The second image panel with this post has ways you can contribute. The link with this image has all the ways (financial and non-financial) that you can support this work!) Sharing LeadSafeMama.com posts makes a big difference too – as with each page view we earn about one penny – which will help us pay the bills 2 months from now! [And those pennies add up when you have 10,000 page views every day!)

*contributions are not tax-deductible as we are not a nonprofit organization.


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