Have you entered all of the Lead Safe Mama #Giveaways yet? Thank you for supporting this work!
Updated Graphic: #6thBestMonthEver
Original Graphic: #7thBestMonthEver
Hey friends!
In addition to being the “Best November Ever” here at LeadSafeMama.com, November 2021 is also officially (at this moment) the #7thBestMonthEver [7th best month of all time – in terms of unique monthly page views] on the Lead Safe Mama website right now – and it looks like November 2021 will likely close out as the #SixthBestMonthEver, if things keep going as they have been to the end of the month (tomorrow night – Tuesday, 11/30/2021- midnight)! Thank you for helping LeadSafeMama.com to reach this milestone!
It would be TOTALLY magical if we could somehow reach our “stretch goal” of 300,000 page views by the end of the month at LeadSafeMama.com! It’s not impossible, either! The last couple of days have had 15,000 or 16,000+ page views each day. We would just need TWO 17,000+ page-view days to make this happen! BONUS: 300,000 page views a month is 1/2 way to our long term goal for the work of Lead Safe Mama to be fully funded/self-sustaining! [1/2 way to pre-pandemic levels!]
We just need 35,616 more page views over the next two days to make this stretch goal happen! To this end, I am having a little #GroupGiveAway (for a set of Lead-free glassware [aflink https://amzn.to/3I2Isxj ] in our Facebook Group (Lead Poisoning Prevention with Lead Safe Mama) to encourage post sharing!) – Here’s the link for instructions for that #GiveAway (you do need to join the Facebook group to participate in this little #Giveaway): https://www.facebook.com/groups/LeadSafe/posts/6598800526860654/
Thank you in advance for participating!
Together we can change the world and protect all the babies!
PLUS… check out the numbers on the graphic on this page!
MORE #Giveaways too!
- Our next Instagram #GiveAway will happen when we reach 9,000 followers (prizes are a TWIN @Naturepedic mattress and a set of Lead-free pans from @Solidteknics!) [We currently have 8,193 Instagram Followers] and …
- Our next / first NEWSLETTER giveaway will happen when we reach 8,000 newsletter subscribers [We currently have 7,594 Newsletter Subscribers] (that is for a prize of a @Naturepedic mattress – including a king if you choose! – worth up to $3,000!)
Please subscribe and follow, and do all of the fun (FREE!) things – to be entered for a chance to win in each #giveaway
- Follow on Instagram: http://www.Instagram.com/LeadSafeMama
- Subscribe to the Newsletter: https://tamararubin.com/subscribe-to-the-lead-safe-mama-blog/
- Join the Facebook Group (or invite your friends if you are already a member!): https://www.facebook.com/groups/LeadSafe
Naturepedic Affiliate link:
Solidteknics Affiliate link:
If you purchase something after clicking on one of our affiliate links we may receive a small percentage of what you spend at no additional cost to you.
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