Marketed as Lead-Free but painted with Lead Paint: Tea Bloom Glass Teapot, Made in China (video)

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New YouTube Video Tonight
4/8/2021 – Thursday
Video is at the bottom of the page. Turn up your volume because sound is pretty LOW on this video. Thanks!

I will be writing an article with the full XRF test results for the teapot discussed in this short video (below) in the coming days. In the meantime, here’s my Amazon affiliate link for the product shown above and tested in this video (I DON’T recommend buying this one — but I wanted you to see it “in the wild”):

And here’s my Amazon affiliate link for a teapot that is similar that I use in my home (this one is ACTUALLY Lead-free – no Leaded painted logos or other markings!):

Here’s the electric kettle my husband bought for our family too: [I will be talking about this in a subsequent video.]

Here’s my affiliate link for LeadCheck® swabs – if you feel you need to get some of those to test your things, BUT be forewarned: they don’t work on all cookware and dishes (link with more details here) — they are designed to work on house paint:

Please subscribe to the YouTube channel to be alerted each time we upload a new #LeadSafeMama #ProductTesting video! Are your “Lead-free” products actually Lead-free? Here’s a link to a full list of products that tested positive for Lead, but were sold and marketed as Lead-free: Here’s the new navigation page for the Lead Safe Mama website too; lots of category buttons to explore!

Thanks for being here & thanks for watching!

Tamara Rubin

Amazon links are affiliate links. If you purchase something after clicking one of these links I may receive a percentage of what you spend at no extra cost to you.


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  1. Wow, thank you for all the hard work you do Tamara!! I am so glad to support you. And so glad that you do this. I actually bought something like this for my mom one year as a gift. I wonder if she still has it. Thanks for this update!

  2. Wrote to the company and copied you, Tamara. Shouldn’t this company spend their money to fix the problem. And actually it wouldn’t cost them anything to stop printing the logo – and if they insist on the logo, they can use NON LEADED PAINT……..
    Amazing how the knee jerk reaction was WE WILL SUE YOU! That bulldog tactic usually indicates a situation where there could be concern regarding you findings. When people try to shut you up right away, it’s simptomatic, isn’t it?

    Anyway, Hope they come to their senses. Sadly, another reason I can’t trust things made overseas. (Though even American items have to be checked of course!) The stuff they are allowed to have slipped into this country because of lack of investigation is sadly devastating. I guess they figure if they can get away with it…. but WHY??????????

    WHY WOULD A COMPANY WANT TO GET AWAY WITH IT? I sincerely hope someone from their company is reading this.
    I suggest everyone here send them an email (via John, the guy who wrote back to Tamara threatening her) — and let them know how you feel. In my office, a staff member purchased this as a gift and told me, “I found my gift item for 2021.” I don’t think she will be happy with this news. I think she’ll try to get her logo off her item and if not — into the garbage it will go.

    So my message to Tea Bloom — On this earthday, how about fixing the problem instead of hiding it? Science doesn’t lie. The glass may be fine, but the logo is full of lead. Simple. Do something. Stop threatening. And act like a compassionate human being who cares more about your customers and doesn’t lie to them.

    Thanks Tea Bloom for considering the high road.

    Thank you Tamara, for helping us and our families stay safe.


  3. I see that you linked an electric kettle that your husband purchased. Do you approve of this kettle? I checked your Amazon page and didn’t see it listed so wanted to make sure it passed your tests before purchasing. Thank you for all the amazing work you do!!!

  4. I would also like to know about the Ascot Glass Electric Kettle. An electric kettle and a press pot or pour-over coffee pot – would be a great addition to your Shop! Lead Safe Mama Breakfast Gear page.
    Thank you!

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