Group rules for participating in the Lead Safe Mama Facebook Group: Updated Feb 25, 2024


For those new to the Lead Safe Mama website:

Tamara Rubin is a multiple-federal-award-winning independent advocate for childhood Lead poisoning prevention and consumer goods safety, and a documentary filmmaker. She is also a mother of Lead-poisoned children (two of her four sons were acutely Lead-poisoned in 2005).

  • Tamara owns and runs Lead Safe Mama, LLC — a unique community collaborative woman-owned small business for childhood Lead poisoning prevention and consumer goods safety.
  • Since 2009, Tamara has been conducting XRF testing (a scientific testing method) using the exact instrumentation employed by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission to test consumer goods for toxicants (specifically heavy metals â€” including Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, Antimony, and Arsenic).
  • Since July of 2022, the work of Lead Safe Mama, LLC has been responsible for 5 product recalls (FDA and CPSC).
  • All test results reported on this website are science-based, accurate, and replicable.
  • Items that Lead Safe Mama, LLC reports on are tested multiple times to confirm the results published (for each component tested).
  • Recent notable press… There has been too much to mention already in 2024! Please check out our press page to see some of the amazing coverage of our work so far this year!

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Advertising and affiliate income help us cover the costs of the work we do here (independent consumer goods testing and childhood Lead-poisoning prevention advocacy). We have published this article without advertisements. We have also removed ads from most of our more widely-read articles to make them easier for you to read. In addition to supporting this work by starting any shopping you might be doing with clicks on our affiliate links, if you would like to support our independent consumer goods testing and childhood Lead-poisoning prevention advocacy work by making a contribution (which will also help us keep our more widely-read articles ad-free), click here. Thank you!


Published: January 30, 2021
Updated: February 25, 2024

Below are the rules for the Lead Poisoning Prevention With Lead Safe Mama Facebook Group (group link here). These rules are current as of the most recent date above.

There are nearly 30,000 members in this group at the moment!

Thanks for participating in this group discussion!

Parents, doctors, contractors, educators, policymakers … EVERYONE is welcome to be part of this group.

To my knowledge, it is the largest Lead Poisoning Prevention Advocacy Discussion Group (on or off Facebook) active today (or ever). I am so incredibly thankful that there is such an amazing community gathering together in this way to participate in this conversation.

Tamara Rubin
Mother of Lead-poisoned children
Owner, Lead Safe Mama, LLC

Lead Poisoning Prevention With Lead Safe Mama
Facebook Group
(see the screenshot with the most recent update below)

Group Rules Updated:
February 25, 2024

For Fun … Lead Poisoning Prevention with Lead Safe Mama Facebook Group Membership Stats:

  • January 31, 2021: 10,981 members + 218 join requests pending
  • March 24, 2021: 11,444 members + 205 join requests pending
  • April 2, 2021: 11,582 members + 124 join requests pending
  • May 22, 2021: 11,596 members + 834 join requests pending
  • May 23, 2021: 11,943 members + 398 join requests pending
  • July 4, 2021: 12,484 members + 124 join requests pending
  • February 25, 2024; 29,939 members + 85 join requests pending
  • July 16, 2024: 32,364 members!

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  1. Hi! I wanted to get help with my situation. I was sadly (surely accidentally I hope ) deleted from the group. I’ve always followed the rules and I haven’t posted,commented, reacted in the group in a while to have done anything worth getting blocked. I use the group to shop for lead free choices. Please add me back if at all possible. I’ve been in the group for many many years and made several contributions to posts and learned so much invaluable information in the group. Thanks for any help!

    1. Please email and let her know what your name is on Facebook and she will look into it for you.

      There were a handful of people who “liked” a derogatory comment (a comment that was inappropriate / disrespectful and had misinformation) and everyone involved in that exchange was removed from the group. Not sure if that applies here but that is a possibility of what happened.


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