Modern (2019/2020) plain medium white Corelle bowl with new logo: Negative for Lead, Cadmium, Arsenic & Mercury.

Shown above next to an iHop diner mug for size.
Modern (2019/2020) Corelle
medium bowl with new back mark
Food surface:
- Iron (Fe): 387 +/- 152 ppm
- Vanadium (V): 62 +/- 34 ppm
- Titanium (Ti): 136 +/- 49 ppm
Logo area (with dots):
- Zinc (Zn): 248 +/- 61 ppm
- Iron (Fe): 725 +/- 294 ppm
- Chromium (Cr): 392 +/- 90 ppm
- Vanadium (V): 661 +/- 102 ppm
- Titanium (Ti): 5,037 +/- 425 ppm
Some additional related posts that may be of interest:
- To see more of my posts about plain white Corelle, click here.
- To see more new / modern examples of Corelle, click here.
- To see more Corelle dish patterns I have tested – both new and vintage (and other posts I have written about this brand!)
- To see more glass dishes I have tested, click here.
- To see more white glass items I have tested, click here.
- To read more about the testing I do, click here.
As always, please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you for reading and for sharing my posts.
Tamara Rubin
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Hi, Tamara! Thank you for all your hard work!
I have a question: I bought the versa and meal bowl in winter frost (looks like this bowl just different shape/size). Would it be safe to assume they are also lead/cadmium/arsenic/mercury free? Thank you so much.
I have the same bowls, but with the red band around it. Unlike the plates with designs on the eating surface, is there a risk of toxins leaching down into the bowl/food area from the colored edge? I bought frost white plates to replace the ones I had with colored designs, but was curious if I should still throw out the bowls with the red edging or not.