Earlier today the month of September 2019 bumped up in to the 8th #BestMonthEver spot at LeadSafeMama.com
Today September 2019 bumped up in to the “8th best month ever” spot here on the Lead Safe Mama blog – with more than 142,670 unique views this month so far (and there are still four days left in the month!)
Thank you for supporting this work and sharing my posts!
Tamara Rubin
If you appreciate the work reported here on the Lead Safe Mama blog and you are in a position to make a contribution (in any amount), we are currently working to raise at least $5,000 towards the costs incurred by the legal battle supporting this advocacy work. Every little bit helps (& the big bits help that much more! ;-)) (You can read more about the legal battle here.) Here’s a link with different ways you can support this work. Thank you!
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