grabease First Training Self Feeding Fork for Baby: Non-detect (negative) for Lead, Arsenic, Cadmium, & Mercury.
When tested with an XRF instrument (for repeated 180 second / 3-minute tests) this grabease brand green plastic baby fork / training fork had the following set of readings (below):
- Barium (Ba): 137 +/- 77 ppm
- Titanium (Ti): 1,031 +/- 190 ppm
That’s it. Titanium & Barium were the only metals detected! Each of these metals is considered inert / non-toxic in an application like this, likely used as part of the colorant for the plastic.
The fork was non-detect (negative) for Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, Arsenic and Antimony – so overall a good choice if you are going to go with a plastic utensil for your kiddo. The company looks like a terrific social-mission driven company as well, check out their website here:
Results are science-based and replicable. Metals not detected by the XRF (in consumer goods mode) are not listed. All testing reported on this site is done using a freshly calibrated XRF instrument.
Here is my Amazon Affiliate link* for this product so you can see it “in the wild”:
As always, thank you for reading and for sharing my posts.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Tamara Rubin
*If you purchase something after clicking on one of my Amazon Affiliate links I may receive a small percentage of what you spend at no extra cost to you (usually about 6%!). Thank you.

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Tamara, thank you so much for testing baby items – it has helped tremendously! It seems that the green version of this fork is no longer available online anywhere – only teal, gray, pink and orange. Do you think the other colors from this brand might be a safe choice? Thanks!