Larami Toys brachiosaurus toy dinosaur: 2,213 ppm Lead, 2,721 ppm Antimony. This toy would be illegal if made today.

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Scroll down to see additional images, including picture of Dino next to Lego-guy for size!

The amount of Lead that is considered unsafe and illegal in a modern item manufactured for use by children today is anything 90 ppm or higher in the paint or coating or anything 100 ppm or higher in the substrate. As a result of the high levels of Lead found in this toy (see exact full XRF test results below) this toy would be considered illegal if sold for use by children today.

Based on this Wikipedia article this toy is definitely from before 2002 and possibly from before 1995, link.

To see more toys I have tested, click here.

To see more toy dinosaurs I have tested, click here.

When tested with an XRF instrument this Larami Toys brachiosaurus toy dinosaur (“Made in China”) had the following readings (each test done for at least 30 seconds, metals not listed were not detected.)


  • Lead (Pb): 2,213 +/- 98 ppm
  • Barium (Ba): 964 +/- 100 ppm
  • Antimony (Sb): 2,721 +/- 80 ppm
  • Bromine (Br): 24 +/- 9 ppm
  • Zinc (Zn): 275 +/- 49 ppm
  • Copper (Cu): 206 +/- 54 ppm
  • Iron (Fe): 273 +/- 110 ppm
  • Titanium (Ti): 20,300 +/- 2,900 ppm

Gray Belly:

  • Lead (Pb): 1,903 +/- 97 ppm
  • Barium (Ba): 589 +/- 102 ppm
  • Antimony (Sb): 2,387 +/- 79 ppm
  • Zinc (Zn): 312 +/- 51 ppm
  • Copper (Cu): 94 +/- 54 ppm
  • Iron (Fe): 393 +/- 115 ppm
  • Titanium (Ti): 11,000 +/- 2,800 ppm

Blackish Greenish Back:

  • Lead (Pb): 1,879 +/- 85 ppm
  • Barium (Ba): 426 +/- 78 ppm
  • Antimony (Sb): 1,929 +/- 59 ppm
  • Bromine (Br): 26 +/- 8 ppm
  • Zinc (Zn): 278 +/- 42 ppm
  • Copper (Cu): 363 +/- 57 ppm
  • Iron (Fe): 498 +/- 107 ppm
  • Titanium (Ti): 18,800 +/- 2,500 ppm

As always, please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you for reading and for sharing my posts.

Tamara Rubin

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