Ikea Solid Stainless Steel 430-40 Knife With Ridges: Lead Free

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Ikea Stainless Steel 430-40 Knife With Ridges: Lead Free

These knives are VERY LOW Nickel!

Note: I generally never have a concern about stainless steel items containing any lead (unless they are not a single component item.) See this post for more about that.

Below are the XRF test results for the stainless steel knife from Ikea pictured in this post. What I like about this knife is that the construction is one solid piece of stainless steel (the handle is not detached or in any way separate from the blade, it is one contiguous piece of metal.)

Related: #AskTamara: What do you use to test for lead?

Related: #AskTamara: What is stainless steel?

Continue reading below the image.

Ikea Stainless Steel 430-40 Knife With Ridges: Lead Free

XRF Test Results:
Reading on XRF says “Metal-430/40”
Test done for a minimum of 60 seconds.

  • Lead (Pb): Negative / Non-Detect (ND)
  • Mercury (Hg): Negative / Non-Detect (ND)
  • Arsenic (As): Negative / Non-Detect (ND)
  • Cadmium (Cd): Negative / Non-Detect (ND)
  • Barium (Ba): Negative / Non-Detect (ND)
  • Antimony (Sb): Negative / Non-Detect (ND)
  • Selenium (Se): Negative / Non-Detect (ND)
  • Chromium (Cr): 134,200 +/- 1,000 ppm
  • Copper (Cu): 448 +/- 409 ppm
  • Nickel (Ni): 1,760 +/- 379 ppm
  • Iron (Fe): 855,300 +/- 2,000 ppm
  • Vanadium (V): 952 +/- 181 ppm
  • Magnesium (Mn): 4,684 +/- 1,142 ppm

I love Ikea cookware and kitchen products and will always (until further notice) recommend them as safer choices for your family. We use several Ikea products in our home.

As always, thank you for reading and for sharing my posts.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Tamara Rubin

Ikea Stainless Steel 430-40 Knife With Ridges: Lead Free

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  1. I just do not like that lettering (Ikea….)on the knive, because it may be toxic? These letterings usually fades away but does that meanit goes to the food every time I slice something?Any thoughts? Thank you

  2. I’m trying to find some new kitchenware and almost all knives have lettering/logos like this on the blade…most the time I can’t tell if it’s etched on or paint. What about these ikea items, was the logo tested on this item? Thanks!

  3. Hi Tamara,

    Ikea description lists this as “made of molybdenum/vanadium stainless steel”. Would you consider this type of stainless steel safe for knives, that will be sharpened at some point after longterm use?

    Thank you,


  4. The Logos and Letters that appear on the blades of the knives contain some toxic metal (even if it is not lead???. I am trying to follow your advice looking for kitchen utensils without logos and painted things, but the vast majority of knives that I find contain your logo and lettering on the blade

    1. No – that is not generally true. In most cases they are etched, there are a few rare exceptions where lettering on metal can be lead-containing (usually it is some kind of vinyl based coating in that case.)

  5. Hello! Thank you for this site! I have been looking through your site and store to find recs on every day forks, spoons & knives – any recommendations? Thanks so much! Katy

  6. I bought these knives a few months ago and just noticed that some of the black (paint?) on the grooves on the handle of this knife is coming off. Just want to ask if that was included in what you tested to be non-detect for lead. Thanks!

  7. Almost all of our stainless steel flatware has similar black writing on them. Not etched, but smooth. Similar to how these knives say IKEA in black. Some fading away. Did your writing test negative or just the stainless steel? Can a test swab detect if the writing is leaded or toxic? Trying to follow your advice. Thank you Tamara!

  8. Hello,
    Can you please confirm whether you tested the black logos and black grooves on the handles of the Ikea knives? There have been many questions about this in previous comments. Thanks!

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