I’m going to give away a Pioneer Woman Instant Pot in my Facebook Group!
Well! Everyone this is the moment you have all been waiting for! [At least the moment many of my loyal readers and followers have been waiting for!]
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Since the new Pioneer Woman Instant Pot was released I have gotten possibly hundreds of requests to test it for Lead (Pb), but no one has sent one in to me for testing (yet) — so I decided to come up with a fun way to get my hands on one to test (while also increasing the reach of this work).
To learn more about XRF testing, click here.
Here’s my idea: I’m going to buy a Pioneer Woman Instant Pot to test with an XRF instrument and then (after I test it) I am going to give it away in The Lead (Pb) Group on Facebook!
To see the Instant Pot testing I have done so far, click here.
How to Participate/How to Enter For A Chance to Win the Pioneer Woman Instant Pot:
- Everyone who is a member of The Lead (Pb) Group on Facebook will be entered for a chance to win a Pioneer Woman Instant Pot on 10/31/2018. One winner will be drawn at random (with help from random dot com) from a pool made up of all of the members of The Lead (Pb) Group on Halloween (10/31/2018) at 11:00 p.m. PST.
- To join the group and be eligible for the drawing, new group members must do the following four steps:
- Send a join request to The Lead (Pb) Group on Facebook. [Link]
- Answer the three questions that come with the join-request.
- Confirm you will follow the group rules by commenting on the group rule post.
- Read and comment on at least one other post in the group after you join. (Please real comments – keep the conversation positive and feel free to ask questions about Lead (Pb) in your comments!.)
- I will buy the Pioneer Woman Instant Pot and have it shipped to me so I can test it with an XRF instrument and report the results on my blog (ETA for blog post; no later than 11/5/2018).
- If the winner wants the prize (pending the lead test results), I will ship it to them right after it has been tested and the blog post is written.
- If you are new to the group and don’t understand what points #3 and #4 (above) mean, please take some time to learn more about the XRF consumer goods testing I do (the toxicity test results that I report here on this blog.) Ask questions if you have them.
To see more Pioneer Woman testing I have done, click here.
- Tamara, why are you doing this? I am doing this to encourage folks to join The Lead (Pb) Group by the end of #LeadPoisoningPreventionMonth. I am hoping new people will join and people will also invite their friends to join, given it would give them a chance to win the Pioneer Woman Instant Pot.
- Increasing the size of the group will increase the reach of the messages we all want to share about childhood lead poisoning prevention and consumer goods toxicity testing. Hopefully some of the new people who join the group will actually stay in the group after the giveaway! 😉
- If, during the days between now and the drawing, folks donate a combined $200 or more to my GoFundMe campaign, I will add a second Pioneer Woman Instant Pot to the drawing. If that happens two people will be chosen as winners, one for each Instant Pot tested. This way I will have the opportunity to test both colors of the Pioneer Woman Instant Pot. Basically, your donations of $5 or more this week will help me buy the pots for testing. You don’t need to donate to the campaign to be entered to win, you just need to be a member of the group [following & understanding points 1 to 5 above] which has no cost.
At the time of publishing of this post the following things are true:
- The GoFundMe Campaign is at $12,323 [So I need for it to reach at least $12,523 to have enough to get a second Instant Pot to test and give away.]
- The number of members in the group is currently: 5,497
Let’s see if this works! 🙂
Here’s the link to The Lead (Pb) Group to join.
Here’s the link to my GoFundMe campaign.
That’s it! Let me know if anything here doesn’t make sense.
As always, thank you for reading and for sharing my posts!
Please let me know if you have any questions.
And …#Go!
Tamara Rubin
Links may be Amazon Affiliate Links. If you purchase something after clicking on one of my affiliate links I may receive a small percentage of what you spend at no extra cost to you. Thank you for supporting my independent consumer goods testing and advocacy work in this way.
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