2018 purple vintage style Ball jars: 63 ppm Lead (safe by all standards). Personally I avoid the tinted ones.
XRF Test Results for Purple Tinted Ball Brand Canning Jars
Published: June 14, 2018

When these new purple ball jars were tested with an XRF instrument they tested positive for a very low level of lead (just a trace and within the realm of what might be considered safe for a modern item intended for children). That said, I LOVE purple, but I prefer not to have anything leaded in my home, and especially not in my kitchen, so I would not personally choose these.
Here’s the exact XRF reading for the jar pictured below:
- Lead (Pb): 63 +/- 14 ppm
- Mercury (Hg): Non-Detect (ND)
- Cadmium (Cd): Non-Detect (ND)
- Arsenic (As): Non-Detect (ND)
This is my Amazon Affiliate link for these jars. Here’s my affiliate link to the jars that I would choose for my family. If you purchase something after clicking on one of my affiliate links I may receive a small portion of what you spend at no extra cost to you. [Thank you for supporting my advocacy work in this way!]
Some additional reading that might be of interest:
- More Ball brand jars I have tested.
- All Mason jars I have tested
- Kerr jars I have tested
- Weck jars I have tested
- More purple glass items I have tested
- The overview post discussing the testing methodologies used for the reporting done on this blog
As always, please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you for reading and for sharing my posts!
Tamara Rubin
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Did you test the turquoise pint or the pale green quart Ball jars?
Yes, I have tested several different ones. Click the words “ball jars” at the top of this post and you will see the different test results on different jars I have tested.