Response to Dr. Mercola’s Response

Last June (2017) I tested frying pans from Dr. Mercola’s branded ceramic set (pictured here), using XRF technology.
In this testing I found lead levels in the white “painted on” ceramic label on the bottom that exceeded 14,000 parts per million (ppm).
Calling an amount of lead a “trace” of lead found in consumer goods is usually reserved for lead under 100 ppm as detected with an XRF.
Levels as consistently high as 14,000 ppm lead cannot – by any credible argument – be explained away as being the result of some sort of “naturally occurring” or “trace” contamination, but rather is definitely a constituent component in a coating (in this case, the label.)
The interior of the initial pan I tested was also positive — in the case of the interior, for what would correctly be characterized as “trace” levels (below 100 ppm) of lead; specifically 83 ppm lead.
Subsequent to the initial testing, I did follow-up testing on additional pans from this manufacturer (Ceramcor/Xtrema), specifically pans that were not rebranded as a Dr. Mercola product. These additional samples came in at similar levels – with the bottom (permanently affixed/painted/enamel) label again testing in the range of thousands of ppm lead, and the interior surface of the pan registering trace amounts in the same range as the initial pan I tested.
The problem is that language on both the Ceramcor website and the Mercola websites proudly advertise the products to be “free of ALL heavy metals”. You can see screenshots from the Mercola site on this link. The Mercola site makes two separate claims: one stating that there is no leachable lead (i.e.that they have passed regulatory leach-tests — the only testing that is currently mandated) and a separate claim, asserting that these pans contain “no lead” whatsoever. [They state separately that the product “contains no lead” and that it “will not leach into your food.”] In doing so, one could reasonably infer that they appear to understand the distinction between lead content and leachable lead. They also clearly state that their products do not contain either “heavy or trace metals.” I have highlighted this text on this post HERE.
We are not disputing that these products do not leach lead. The manufacturer has test results that show that this product does not leach lead. And that is not my concern.
What we have repeatedly tried to explain, both to Dr, Mercola and to Richard Bergstrom [the owner of Ceramcor/Xtrema, the company that makes the product Dr. Mercola has branded] is that their claims of “no lead” and no “trace” lead are false (as shown by the testing I have done), and they need to reevaluate their public statements about their products, ideally removing this language from their sites entirely. In absence of making these changes, they are engaging in false advertising.
People are buying these products because they are advertised as lead free, yet they most decidedly are not lead free; they have both trace lead on the interior (food surface) of the pan and extremely high lead on the exterior bottom of the pans. Many of the people who have bought their products are my followers (parents of lead poisoned children – to whom this is a very important selling point!)
With months of communications exchanged (see some of that on the comment thread here) with Mr. Bergstrom, he still does not appear to understand the distinctions above (and has apparently shared his misunderstood perception with Dr. Mercola).
Mr. Bergstrom has also, since Christmas Eve 2017 (a few weeks ago), taken to spamming my website [61 comments since Christmas Eve submitted to my website alone, all of which have been saved “for posterity”] and harassing me personally on my Facebook pages [many additional comments there – see example below], because he is unwilling (or unable?) to understand the distinctions I have brought to his attention.
I am not here to incite, attack, engage in arguments, etc. — only to educate and explain some of the science to consumers. I look for and report the presence of lead in things. I do not “go after” products or manufacturers, and I do not even have a focus on cookware specifically. I do believe that consumer products — especially cookware —can and should be made without lead. We have learned (repeatedly) that claims of manufacturers cannot be trusted, and so we must be our own watch dogs.
Below (in blue) is Dr. Mercola’s e-mail response to my followers who have contacted him asking about the lead that I found in his pans (here is a link to a screenshot of the response directly from his site.)
“Our ceramic ware is protected from naturally occurring lead in clays by an impervious glaze. We have tested our ceramic ware for leaching of lead and found none. Our products are safe and will not cause harm from lead. The test that was done by the referenced link uses a method that determines lead inside the ceramic clay. Of course there is lead inside every ceramic clay – it occurs naturally. However, this lead does not leach into food cooked in our ceramic ware and the test referenced is misleading. We hope this information finds you well. If there is anything else we can assist with please feel free to contact us.”
What we need Dr. Mercola to understand is that even as indicated in the response above (in his own words) his website’s claims of “lead-free” are not true. “Non-leaching” and “lead-free” are separate distinctions.
Deconstructing his response above, I have the following reactions to share.
- Dr. Mercola cannot both say “of course there is lead inside every ceramic clay” (which is not true by the way, I have tested plenty of ceramics that were 100% lead-free) and also claim that his product is lead-free and does not even contain any “trace” metals (as he claims on his site).
- Also his claim that “the test referenced is misleading” is absurd. The test referenced is my own testing. It is definitive, state-of-the-art XRF testing, the same testing done by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission to determine the presence of lead in consumer goods — using the very same make and model of instrument. It is not “misleading”; they are simply misunderstanding the distinction between “lead-free” and “non-leaching.”
- He also says the test “uses a method that determines lead inside the ceramic clay” and this is also incorrect as well. XRF testing generally reads what is closest to the surface, such as the very high lead levels in the label (permanently fused to the bottom of the pan).
Even though the company who makes the products refuses to acknowledge (understand?) these distinctions, we hope Dr. Mercola and his wife Erin (who are friends of many environmentalist activist friends of mine) will take the time to try to understand what is being said here and will either remove their “lead-free” claims from their website (leaving just the claims about “not leaching“) or will find a different manufacturer to sell them a similar product that is, in fact, lead-free.
Note: Dr. Mercola still has never responded to me directly about this matter — from my first letter/post in June of 2017, yet he has cited my work finding lead in baby bottles as a positive thing (while, months later, denying my work finding lead in the products he sells.)
Please also note, I have brought similar issues to the attention of other manufacturers (including Ikea, Hydroflask and Emile Henry) — and in those cases they either changed their product (or already had changes to their products in the works) or changed their language so it would be correct and not remain misleading. This is the first time I have had a thoroughly argumentative exchange with a vendor that simply refuses to acknowledge the presence of lead in their products.
The #SimpleSolution to this problem, Dr. Mercola is as follows:
- Demand that Mr. Bergstrom remove the high lead content label from the pans (I have no confidence that this can be proven to be completely safe [for the entire life of the product] as claimed at such an extremely high level as that.)
- Remove language from your site that states or implies there is “no lead in the product” (as even you concede there is lead in your product in the note from you above)
- Remove language from your site that states there is not even a “trace” of metals in the product (as with this product it appears there will continue to be trace lead, even with the removal of the highly leaded label)
- If you choose to continue selling the product given points 1 through 3 above, continue using the language that your product does not leach lead (just avoid implying the product is “lead-free“).
Tamara Rubin
P.S. (For “fun”) here is a Facebook comment that Mr. Bergstrom’s wife posted on my personal Facebook page this evening. I had been waiting to write the above response but decided – in light of Mr. Bergstrom (and his wife’s) continued harassment of me that it was time to write the above post. This comment (below) was in response to a post where I was upset (and used colorful language to convey my upset) that the LiveStrong Foundation was actually recommending young tennis players apply lead tape to the handles of their rackets!
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I’ve been using xtrema, bought directly from the manufacturer after reading the recommendation by wellness mama, for the past four years now. I’m also currently 29 weeks pregnant so this article concerns me. I’m irritated that I paid $400 for a set of “non toxic ” cookware and they cheap out and use leaded paint for the label. Could you explain more in detail regarding the food surface? If it’s truly non leachable, that means I am not getting lead in my food correct? I’d contact xtrema but I have a good feeling they won’t directly answer my question seeing how they have treated you…
I have the same question! I’m wondering if it’s still safe to use the xtrema I have.
They will respond to you and will try to prove they’re right. I had such an exchange. Although the cookware is non-leaching, according to the test results, its surface lead content is high. I also saw it’s not scratch free, and the glaze seems to fade, which is very concerning. I stopped using the set.
Thank you from saving me health and money I was about to sacrifice on xtreme ceramic yesterday black Friday.
The fry pans you recommend are 3 clad metal ; cooper core -toxic, steel covered aluminum -toxic and of course the steel covering which could be a lot of metals? Don’t these chip and scratch exposing food to aluminum?
Sholom F.
In the stainless recommendations – the aluminum and copper do not touch the food and the stainless is too thick to be scratched through – unless you are cooking with a drill or something – lol!
Good luck shopping. Otherwise look through the Pots & Pans category here on the blog for other products I have tested:
Lead and contaminates are in so many products. I hope there will be at home testing for over the counter items that are ingested. This could be for skin creams for a variety of purposes, spf, dry skin, chap stick, lipstick, etc. I hate to think rx drugs may have inactive ingredients that are not totally inactive.
I remember that each tv ad for a lawsuit re a drug or a recalled toxin means the government approved of the drug or recall first. Thanks.
Thanks, Tamara, for fighting the good fight.
Oh my goodness, I had no idea of the backstory on that post by Debbie Bergstrom. I thought she was some judgy busybody who likes to tell other people what kind of salty language to use. How TERRIBLE that they would HARASS you because you revealed a flaw in their product! They should be thanking their lucky stars that someone revealed the problem, so that they could come out and make a big deal about doing the right thing! I am so disgusted by this kind of immoral behavior!!! Don’t they know that children could be poisoned because they’re continuing to defend the indefensible?! JESUS!!!
Debbie, somebody needs to pray for YOU and your husband to get a conscience, get your product independently tested by a third party (that you couldn’t possibly pay off)!!!! Only then will I trust you or Dr Mercola to produce something WORTHY of my home and my family.
You get a life and stop selling poison to families and pretending it’s healthy. What you are doing is just straight-out immoral. God doesn’t take kindly to people who harm children (see: Herod and the Slaughter of the Innocents).
Thank you for this comment!
As a direct response is apparently not forthcoming, I’ve been looking for potential alternatives. I’ve seen some positive reviews and information about Silit Silargan [], but I haven’t yet found anything regarding Silargan and lead.
From what I have been able to find, the Silargan cookware is made in Germany [], though some other products they sell—including stainless steel cookware []—might not be made in Germany.
The search function on this website didn’t return any results for either Silit or Silargan, so I was wondering if anyone might be more familiar with it.
Hi Matty! I haven’t yet tested either of those brands. One I tested the other day that was sort of interesting (and lead free) is this one right here (affiliate link):
Hi Matty, did you ever end up finding more info on whether the Silit Silargan range is lead free? I’ve been interested in it for years but never got around to researching it further. I emailed them with this question yesterday, let’s see if they respond. Curious to know if you’re ahead of me on this!
Hi, I hope enveryone is ok.
I’m searching for almost a week about a safe cookware, and I’m curious about Silit too, because I didn’t fine anything wrong about it. Thank you TR for your work and all of your shares.
Hi Tamara,
Thank you for responding to “Matty’s” post with a brand you have tested to be lead free. I too have been wondering where I can find safe, lead-free and/or non-lead leaching cookware. I also appreciate your efforts to expose lead in our cookware, especially the “healthy” cookware. This is an obvious concern. I have used Dr. Mercola’s cookware consistently since purchasing it around 2008(?), and up until a year about a year ago (2018). I only stopped bc a few of my pots/pans had chipped, and in time, I determined it may be unsafe to continue use. Unfortunately, I had no idea of your tests regarding his cookware, and after reading your information, I am more concerned bc before this knowledge, I had recently learned that lead may be causing havoc within my body. I was unsure where it could have come from, and began researching to find that it may be in ceramic cookware (as well as other places). So I googled Dr. Mercola’s cookware and lead, and found your site. THANK YOU for your efforts!!(namaste) Now to my questions for you…
RE: Matty’s post, in your comment, you say, “One I tested the other day was sort of interesting…”
I’m just curious as to what you meant by, “sort of interesting?” Why?
Also, I clicked on the link, and saw that the “MICHELANGELO 10 Inch Frying Pan with Lid, Ultra Nonstick 10 Inch Skillet with Lid, Nonstick Granite Frying Pan, Induction Frying Pan 10 Inch, Granite Nonstick Skillet, Omelet Pan Nonstick” sold on Amazon is currently unavailable, though other pans from this company are available. Would you recommend using any of the other pans from this company? Why or why not.
Have you since found any other cookware to be safe? I would appreciate knowing more. Thank you for your time and efforts!
Shanna Ball
Thank you so much Tamara for posting the message about Dr. Mercola’s website.
My doctor started removing heavy metals (both lead and mercury) about 10 months ago. Now mercury is gone, but for some reason, lead has not gone yet. I was doing research online and saw your article. I purchased Dr Mercola’s cookware about 2 years ago and have been using it everyday. I stopped using them after I read your article. The cookware set has been taken off from the website now. But they should inform customers who purchased them about the potential risk.
Thank you for the information on Xtrema. Three years ago I purchased two teapots from them. When it arrived and I found MADE IN CHINA on the paperwork. Weeks previously I read how polluted China’s is especially their water. I contacted Xtrema to return the teapots and explained why. Well the owner became belligerent and a bit angry because he couldn’t convince me the teapots were safe. I returned & got my refund of over $200.00. I am thoroughly happy to read your lead findings and disgusted with Dr. Mercola. I was shocked he is selling Xtrema. Thank you, Tara!!
Wow I’ve had those for years myself. Now I know why I have high levels of lead.
What is the company doing?
Do we as consumers have any recourse?
I can’t express enough how angry I am about just discovering this! I’ve put a lot of effort into cleaning and keeping toxins out of my body due to high prevalence of Alzheimer’s in my family. I just had Heavy Metal toxic labs done and never would have guessed I would test high for lead…
Results are High Risk 13.42 ug/g when the high risk range is anything >4.41. Frightening!
I too, unfortunately, trusted Dr. Mercola & have used his toxic cookware for years thinking it was safe. I agree that we who purchased this product based on false advertising should have some recourse available. His claim that the ceramic cookware is protected by an “impervious glaze” is utter nonsense! It chips, fades & scratches. I’m experiencing symptoms of lead toxicity. I’m sure my Naturopathic Dr. will help me cleanse this, at great expense & possible discomfort, but understand that any damage already done cannot be reversed. Dr. Mercola should be held accountable!
PLEASE, if you have any of this toxic cookware in your home, DON’T USE IT. Anyone affected by this please let Dr. Mercola know about it. I’ve wasted thousands of $s on his products over the years, but never again! Thank you Tamara and thanks to Shanna for sharing her experience. I find it disturbing that truly non-toxic cookware is so hard to find & that you can’t trust manufacturer’s claims.
And what about those plastic utensils he sent with the ceramic set?! It’s a joke
oh! I was not aware of that! Lol