#AskTamara: Can you test my stuff?
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****IMPORTANT ****
If you need your test results urgently please send your items to a lab. It can take 4 to 8 weeks to get results from this testing.
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Tamara, I want to send you an apple peeler sent straight from Amazon. could you test it within 30 days?
I just broke my leg – so I don’t know for sure if I can do that. Can you send me a link to it here? Or via e-mail? It’s possible you could have it shipped to my son’s place in Boston and then at least I would have it in-hand. I don’t know what the next week or two holds since I cannot walk and cannot drive and have to find out how to get home. There’s a chance I might be taking a train home on January 15th.
Tamara, I’m so sorry about you leg. I hope it heals well. I can contact you again in couple months if that would be easier. The apple peelers that have cushions under the clamps are Norpor: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000HJ9BPE/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1 and Pampered Chef: https://www.amazon.com/Pampered-Chef-Peeler-Slicer-2430/dp/B001C6E0Q6/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=pampered+chef+apple+peeler&qid=1610431560&sr=8-3 so to make things interesting, we could do both….
Oh I would LOVE to test and report on both of those…. hmmm… I can email you my son’s address in Boston and then I can pick them up there on the 14th or 15th (if they have quick free delivery with Amazon.) Let me know.
one would make it, but the other wouldn’t make it potentially until the 29! Let me know an alternative if you can.
Ok. I have follow up appointment with the surgeon on Wednesday. I will let you know more after that, when I know if he is permitting me to travel and when!
I found that Matfer Bourgeat has an apple peeler and a spiralizer that is made of composite plastic (they call it Exoglass), and stainless steel. I was excited as I thought “this would be an easy way to avoid lead” and then when I scrolled to the bottom of the product page, I read the CA Prop 65 warning. How can composite plastic have LEAD?!??! https://www.webstaurantstore.com/matfer-bourgeat-186702-benriner-manual-spiral-vegetable-slicer-noodler/980186702.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=GoogleShopping&gclid=Cj0KCQiArvX_BRCyARIsAKsnTxPpfw_H2cEpoIaT9_12PmDWjVv-dyYK7QtGLEyzRC1yuLWoc3d6bvgaAvQmEALw_wcB
If you have any insight, please let me know. I’d be willing to send this one to you as well for testing with the other two.
Tamara, I just commented on one of the your other posts regarding my ‘Essentials’ Crate & Barrel plates and bowls. Are you home yet? How is your leg? Can I send them to you for testing? Please let me know. I can send the Pampered Chef apple peeler as well as then we could have the Norpro peeler sent to you via Amazon order to arrive around the same time.
Hello Tamara,
I hope your leg has healed well!!! Can I send some items to you now for testing? Please let me know.
I’m still getting caught up. I have 3 to 5 doctor visits each week between check ups and x-rays and MRIs and Ultrasounds. I’m hoping to have my life a little more back to normal in about two weeks.
Hello Tamara. I have several items in a box I’d like to get tested. Are you back to testing now? Thank you…I have several Crate and Barrel dishes, apple peeler, and amber glass bottles https://www.bottlestore.com/64oz-amber-glass-sierra-growler-round-38-405-neck.html.
I am planning on renting an instrument while my recently acquired new-to-me instruments are refurbished. I hope to have that instrument as soon as Saturday, but I do have quite a backlog of work to do. Keep an eye on the blog and maybe send me things in a couple of weeks (when I start to catch up?)
Hi Tamara, Thanks for your wonderful work. Have you ever tested Emma Bridgewater mugs made in the UK? We use them daily and I wasn’t able to find any information about them. Are you still accepting objects to test?
Should I do away with all Pier 1 ware? I have plates, cups, etc. Thank you!