Made in Mexico Hand Citrus Juicer: 415 ppm Lead (Context: 90 ppm Lead is unsafe in items intended for kids.)
When tested with an XRF instrument this “Made in Mexico” hand held citrus press/ juicer tested positive for Lead at 415 ppm.
Consolation prize: it was negative (ND) for Arsenic!
For context: the amount of Lead that is considered toxic in the paint or coating of a modern item manufactured and intended for use by children is anything 90 ppm lead or higher. 100 ppm or higher is considered illegal in the substrate in newly manufactured items intended for use by children.
Modern (and vintage) dishware is not regulated for total lead content as detectable with an XRF instrument.
For #SaferChoices for your family, click here.
Here’s a link* to a juicer I like
As always, thank you for reading and for sharing my posts.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Tamara Rubin
*Some of the links on this page may be Amazon Affiliate links where a purchase made after clicking may generate a small commission for me without costing you any extra!
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