We got the letter from the IRS this week!
Below is the actual final determination letter from the IRS. If you aren’t yet familiar with the story behind this (which essentially amounts to persecution of a children’s health advocate as a result of a bogus anonymous complaint originally made to the Oregon Department of Justice) here is the short version of the story and here is the long version of the story.
While the IRS has dismissed their concern for this matter, the next step is for the DOJ to do the same, and as I have not raised enough for representation in communicating with the DOJ, I am now working on submitting the IRS findings (and supporting documentation) to the DOJ without representation.
Thank you for reading!
As always, if you have any questions – feel free to ask!
Tamara Elise Rubin
“Unexpected Lead Expert”
Mother of Four Sons
Click on the image of the letter below to see the full size PDF of the letter.
I still need to raise about $30,000 to pay for my lawyers fees (and related costs) to defend my advocacy in this matter. Please consider making a donation via GoFundMe or (even better) via my “Chip In” link here! Thank you so much. Every dollar helps! I still have a big stretch of this journey ahead of me and need additional legal representation to get to the other side.
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