Blue Corelle Stoneware Mug

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Blue Corelle Ceramic Mug:  95 ppm Lead. Made in Thailand.


FYI: The current amount of lead that is considered toxic in an item intended for children is anything over 90 ppm lead. Items intended for adults (including dishware) are generally unregulated for total lead content. This mug would be considered safe by most standards.  I would not have this mug in my home, personally.

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  1. Thank you for this post! I’ve been trying to find info on the lead content of this mug since someone gave it to me as a gift. Very helpful! Looks like this one is out of my kitchen.

  2. Should I assume that the grey Corelle mugs that I have, which are made in China, have a similar amount of lead?

    1. Yes – most likely. I have only tested two of these mugs that were lead-free (or low-lead), so not enough to assert that the new ones are consistently lead-free.

  3. Are the Corelle Made in the U.S.A. dishes sold at Walmart free from these contaminants? I use that set of dishware. Please reply, my husband has M.S. and I have cancer, so I would TRULY appreciate your reply. Thank you.

    1. Hi Ann!

      Thank you for commenting. I am very sorry to hear about your health issues. If you have a plain white set of Corelle dishes they are likely toxicant-free, but most of the modern decorated patterns contain at least some Cadmium (even if they are Lead-free). Could you send me a picture of your dishes via e-mail and I can let you know my educated guess (based on similar dishes I may have tested)? My e-mail is

      My thoughts are with you.


      1. I second this question; we have a BUNCH of these (also made in Thailand) in our cabinet at home and ever since finding this website last night, I’ve been very concerned, aheh… Definitely going to be thinking a lot more carefully about dishware from now on!

  4. We have a set of these. I’m throwing them away, and checking our other Corelle set (white cups with tan flowers around the lip) as I’m sure I saw them in a photo on here somewhere.

  5. I just purchased 2 Corelle ‘stoneware’ type casserole dishes in the ‘Abundance’ pattern.
    The fruit design is on the outside. Is the lead in the design and/or in the glaze used all over and inside the casserole dishes. Should I not use these???

    1. :p I just purchased a half dozen of the light blue made in China Corelle stoneware…I am questioning the purchase. Dang!
      Also realizing how much lead in my kitchenware, wow.
      Thanks Tamara

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