XRFTesting: Corelle White Bowl
Corelle White Bowl:
Lead Free! (ND = “Non-Detect” for lead.) Also ND for mercury, cadmium & arsenic.
Here is my post I wrote about the dishes I use in my home!
learn more about XRF Testing here.
Here’s a link to find these exact Corelle bowls on Amazon
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Also check out my video with Carissa of Creative Green Living, where we tested brand new Corelle dishes on the shelf at Target (click here!)
If you appreciate what I do & would like to support my advocacy work (including the XRF testing I do of consumer goods) please consider clicking through to Amazon from one of my links before shopping OR click here to make even a small contribution via my GoFundMe, every $5 or $10 (or whatever you can afford) makes a big difference during what is currently a very difficult transition time for me. Thank you!
Affiliate link disclosure: If you choose to purchase any items after clicking the Amazon links above, Amazon pays me a small kick back as a thank you for sending business their way. It doesn’t cost you anything extra and helps support this website, allowing me to keep sharing information about childhood lead poisoning prevention (as well as making it possible for me to keep sharing about safe products for your home and family) ... Sharing this information in turn helps families everywhere protect their children from potential environmental toxicity in their homes. I only link to products that are the same as (or very similar to) ones that I either have direct personal experience with in my home or that I have personally tested with an XRF Instrument and found to be lead-safe or lead-free. March 2017
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Have you tested the little printed ‘Correlle’ label on the back of the white plates and bowls? I’m noticing the printing is rubbing off on some of mine and wondering if the XRF gun picks up any lead there?
Yes I have, it depends on the age. They are generally lead-free (on the otherwise lead-free dishes). I haven’t tested all of the back marks on dishes that were positive for cadmium or lead, because if they already fail for the decoration on the front it doesn’t make sense to test the back mark too.
I have the same ones. The entire set. We bought ours around 2012. Would those have lead or any other heavy medals I wonder? The underside looks exactly the same in terms of the logo. None of them ever mention the year unfortunately.
Hi Violetta,
2012 and later should be fine. Plain white ones from this brand (from any year) should all be Lead-free.
This may be a stupid question but if there is no pattern on the inside of the piece is it still safe to use? I.e. 1) my bowls just have a stripe on the rim. 2) same with tea pot, salt & pepper, cream and sugar
Hi! Are the plain white bowls/plates heavy metal free? I bought some in December 2022.
Thank you
Is the writing on the bottom of the corelle plates heavy metal free as well? It’s slightly raised.
Also. What do the dots mean? They are in different places from the plates and bowls.
Hello Tamara, I have a set of Corelle dishes that are plain . These dishes are ivory in color. I bought them at Walmart before 2005. Would these be free from lead ? Thank you..
Hi Melissa! Those are also Lead-free!
Hi Tamara!
Thanks for your work! How are the blue Correlle mugs with white inside? Ours are scratched on the inside.