#LeadSafeDishes; Target Home White Plate

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Target Home White Ceramic Plate – 74 ppm lead (within “safe” range.)

Tested with an XRF

The amount of lead considered unsafe in items intended for children is 90 ppm lead or higher. (So this plate WOULD be considered lead-safe by all available standards, even though technically there is not a a standard for total lead content in dishes when using an XRF for testing.)

I am not saying that these dishes (or any specific dishes that test positive for lead) will poison you, I am only saying dishes may contain an unsafe level of lead by today’s regulatory standards for items intended to be used by children. Lead is one of the most potent neurotoxins known to man and does not belong in our kitchens nor on our dining room table.

#LeadedDishes • #LeadSafeDishes

For more lead-safe / lead-free dishware options, click here. target2target1

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  1. Hi Tamara, do you think that Target Home plates from 2009 are also safe? Was there a year when Target switched to safer product-making? Thank you.

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