Newer (c. 2012?) Fiestaware Pitchers: 240 ppm Cadmium (in the orange) + 52 ppm Lead (in the yellow).

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fiestajugsFiestaware pitchers (newer):
Yellow pitcher: 52 ppm Lead.
Newer orange pitcher: 240 ppm Cadmium (no lead.)

• • •
Almost lead-free / but not quite! The company probably did leach testing and it did not leach any lead.  Please read about my concerns for cadmium here.

Tested with an XRF

The amount of lead considered unsafe in items intended for children is 90 ppm lead or higher. (So this pitcher (the one that tested positive for lead) WOULD be considered lead-safe by all available standards, even though technically there is not a a standard for total lead content in dishes when using an XRF instrument for testing.)


For more lead-safe / lead-free dishware options, click here.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you for reading and for sharing my posts.

Tamara Rubin


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