The work of Lead Safe Mama, LLC is featured in the March 2023 issue of Consumer Reports Magazine!Final January 2023 Numbers and Highlights here at Lead Safe Mama dot com.FREE 2023 Lead Safe Mama Collaborative Community Outreach Event: Fresno, California [FREE & open to the public!]Lovevery boilerplate response to my findings of Titanium in their paints (I will respond to this shortly.)USAToday “Fact Check” article by BrieAnna Frank (about the concern for Lead in KitchenAid stand mixer attachments) is causing Facebook to censor Lead Safe Mama, LLC’s (legitimate & truthful) workJanuary 2023 Lead Safe Mama, LLC Financial Update & Request For Support. (Thank You!)January 2023 readership stats update (for those who like to follow these things with us!)Lead Safe Mama, LLC’s CPSC Violation Report: LSM_01_2023 — Reporting Unsafe Levels of Lead found in KitchenAid Stand Mixer Aluminum Attachments.I submitted the Lead Safe Mama, LLC KitchenAid violation report to the CPSC today (1/28/2023)… the latest…To all of the “Verify” news reporters “reporting” on my work… VERIFY your facts beforehand please!Urban myths about the Lead-contaminated KitchenAid ProductsHere’s a petition demanding KitchenAid stop selling Lead-contaminated productsTesting crystal for Lead using a LeadCheck swab (not recommended) — videoLead Safe Mama Zoom Chat #2 of 2023 – Sunday, January 15thLead Safe Mama Zoom Chat #2 of 2023 – Sunday, January 15th @7 p.m. PSTI met with the owner of Cupkin today (1/14/23). Here’s my follow up email to him.I was reminded today that I need to prioritize my health if I want to keep doing what I do… an idea…I sent a Letter to Meghan and Harry today. Here’s what I wrote.2023 Lead Safe Mama Travel Schedule – First Quarter! New York, New Jersey & California.Full text thread with owner of Cupkin to date (1/11/2023)The first Lead Safe Mama FREE, PUBLIC chat of 2023! A 1 hour 40 minute zoom session with Lead Safe Mama readersVideo response and letter from the owner of Cupkin: we’re going to meet up on Saturday and test some more of his cups!Cupkin’s corporate philosophy includes “mistakes happen” — guess so! “Lead-free” kids cup tests positive for unsafe (& illegal) levels of LeadDon’t Panic — these Lead test kits DO. NOT. WORK. for testing consumer goods (you might as well tear-up your money and throw it in the trash) Posts pagination Previous Page 1 … 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 … 179 Next Page SharePin200PostEmailPrint200Shares
FREE 2023 Lead Safe Mama Collaborative Community Outreach Event: Fresno, California [FREE & open to the public!]
Lovevery boilerplate response to my findings of Titanium in their paints (I will respond to this shortly.)
USAToday “Fact Check” article by BrieAnna Frank (about the concern for Lead in KitchenAid stand mixer attachments) is causing Facebook to censor Lead Safe Mama, LLC’s (legitimate & truthful) work
January 2023 readership stats update (for those who like to follow these things with us!)
Lead Safe Mama, LLC’s CPSC Violation Report: LSM_01_2023 — Reporting Unsafe Levels of Lead found in KitchenAid Stand Mixer Aluminum Attachments.
I submitted the Lead Safe Mama, LLC KitchenAid violation report to the CPSC today (1/28/2023)… the latest…
The first Lead Safe Mama FREE, PUBLIC chat of 2023! A 1 hour 40 minute zoom session with Lead Safe Mama readers
Video response and letter from the owner of Cupkin: we’re going to meet up on Saturday and test some more of his cups!
Cupkin’s corporate philosophy includes “mistakes happen” — guess so! “Lead-free” kids cup tests positive for unsafe (& illegal) levels of Lead
Don’t Panic — these Lead test kits DO. NOT. WORK. for testing consumer goods (you might as well tear-up your money and throw it in the trash)