Today Pura Stainless sent me a threatening Cease & Desist letter from their lawyers! Check out the letter and my responses here.September 2023: BEST SEPTEMBER EVER! Final numbers for our September readership (a metric for the impact of Lead Safe Mama, LLC)Please comment on this post! Thank you.Lead Safe Mama YouTube Interview With Fern (on McDonald’s glassware), Published September 28, 2023 (video)Lead Safe Mama, LLC’s SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for Hand-Held XRF Instrument UsageLead Safe Mama, LLC’s Current State of New York XRF Instrument RegistrationLead Safe Mama, LLC’s Current State of Ohio XRF Instrument RegistrationProtected: Consumer Goods Testing Training Outline: September 2023Collaborative outreach event hosted by the City of Columbus, Ohio on Monday — October 2, 2023 — with FREE consumer goods testingMore 2023 Giveaway Winners — August 2023September 2023: BEST SEPTEMBER EVER!XRF test results for tiny enamel cloisonné egg on wood stand (San Francisco Chinatown 2023)September 2023 Amazon Picks: Some of my favorite Lead-free things I love and use every day in my home!Final August 2023 Numbers & Highlights: BEST AUGUST EVER!Lead poisoning is political (in every sense of the word)E-mail exchange with Maldon Salt: 8/31/2023-9/1/2023 (request for a retraction of information published in the Lead Safe Mama overview article on salt)We passed 400,000 page views for the month & 4,000,000 page views for the year … & it’s not yet the end of August! Thank you!Almost to 60,000 Lead Safe Mama Facebook Followers… 50,000 Facebook “Likes”… and 40,000 Instagram Followers!Find out about product recalls MONTHS before they happenCharlie’s first day of…Lead Safe Mama, LLC CPSC Violation Report: LSM_05_2023: WeeSprout Lead-painted glass children’s feeding products available for purchase through at least early-2023Lead Safe Mama, LLC’s CPSC Violation Report: LSM_04_2023: Pura Stainless knowingly sold Lead-contaminated children’s products through at least 2018. There was no recall. These products are still in use in homes today.Ceramic Tile Sample Test Results — for a tile sent in by a reader in OklahomaMore 2023 Giveaway Winners… Posts pagination Previous Page 1 … 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 … 179 Next Page SharePin200PostEmailPrint200Shares
Today Pura Stainless sent me a threatening Cease & Desist letter from their lawyers! Check out the letter and my responses here.
September 2023: BEST SEPTEMBER EVER! Final numbers for our September readership (a metric for the impact of Lead Safe Mama, LLC)
Lead Safe Mama YouTube Interview With Fern (on McDonald’s glassware), Published September 28, 2023 (video)
Collaborative outreach event hosted by the City of Columbus, Ohio on Monday — October 2, 2023 — with FREE consumer goods testing
September 2023 Amazon Picks: Some of my favorite Lead-free things I love and use every day in my home!
E-mail exchange with Maldon Salt: 8/31/2023-9/1/2023 (request for a retraction of information published in the Lead Safe Mama overview article on salt)
We passed 400,000 page views for the month & 4,000,000 page views for the year … & it’s not yet the end of August! Thank you!
Almost to 60,000 Lead Safe Mama Facebook Followers… 50,000 Facebook “Likes”… and 40,000 Instagram Followers!
Lead Safe Mama, LLC CPSC Violation Report: LSM_05_2023: WeeSprout Lead-painted glass children’s feeding products available for purchase through at least early-2023
Lead Safe Mama, LLC’s CPSC Violation Report: LSM_04_2023: Pura Stainless knowingly sold Lead-contaminated children’s products through at least 2018. There was no recall. These products are still in use in homes today.