Vintage Noritake Rosedawn China Saucer (Made in Japan): 933 ppm LeadVintage Milk Glass SaucerVintage Clear Ball Brand Canning Jar: 46 ppm Lead + Cadmium. Please read this post for more information!Pier 1 Plate With Stars1972 Handmade Christmas Mug / Teacup: 90,900 ppm Lead + 9,617 ppm Cadmium Too! [90 ppm Lead is unsafe for kids.]Blue Ball brand canning jar: 53 ppm Lead + 13 ppm Cadmium (safe by all standards.) I avoid the tinted jars.Blue Glass Pyrex Custard DishNewer Blue Ball Jar1996 PianoUndying Gratitude! #GoFundMeTop Ten Posts in AprilVintage Glazed Ceramic Fondue Pot: 255,700 ppm Lead on the interior glaze!!!! Vintage Fondue pots should never be used for food use purposes.Vintage Metal Fondue Pot with Orange and Cream Colored Enamel: 15,300 ppm Cadmium (a known carcinogen.)Made In Mexico Blue Glazed Ceramic Dish: 51,608 ppm Lead + 31,350 ppm Arsenic + more than 100,000 ppm Mercury.Yellow Ceramic Target Home BowlCeramic Child’s mug with Teddy Bear: 15,000 ppm Lead. 90 ppm & up is illegal in modern items intended for use by kids.Classic Ceramics California Pantry MugBlue Corelle Stoneware Mug“Classic Greek” Ceramic Coffee Cup!Ceramic Cow Creamer; Circa 2010#Random, 6th GradePortland Public Schools Bond – Lead CrusadeMy “Top 11” #AdvocacyGoalsRevisedFacebook Reach (Past 28 days!) #MoreFunFacts Posts pagination Previous Page 1 … 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 … 179 Next Page SharePin200PostEmailPrint200Shares
Vintage Clear Ball Brand Canning Jar: 46 ppm Lead + Cadmium. Please read this post for more information!
1972 Handmade Christmas Mug / Teacup: 90,900 ppm Lead + 9,617 ppm Cadmium Too! [90 ppm Lead is unsafe for kids.]
Blue Ball brand canning jar: 53 ppm Lead + 13 ppm Cadmium (safe by all standards.) I avoid the tinted jars.
Vintage Glazed Ceramic Fondue Pot: 255,700 ppm Lead on the interior glaze!!!! Vintage Fondue pots should never be used for food use purposes.
Vintage Metal Fondue Pot with Orange and Cream Colored Enamel: 15,300 ppm Cadmium (a known carcinogen.)
Made In Mexico Blue Glazed Ceramic Dish: 51,608 ppm Lead + 31,350 ppm Arsenic + more than 100,000 ppm Mercury.
Ceramic Child’s mug with Teddy Bear: 15,000 ppm Lead. 90 ppm & up is illegal in modern items intended for use by kids.