Auntie Tammy’s Pet Safe & Kid Safe DIY Ant Bait TrapsAre your vintage “Little People” toxic? Sesame Street Friends, Vintage (c. 1970s) Fisher Price Little People#LeadFree: Vintage (c. 1970s) Fisher Price Sesame Street Grover Monster#Leaded: Vintage (c. 1970s?) Fisher Price Little People Sesame Street Ernie#Leaded: Vintage (c. 1970s?) Fisher Price Little People Sesame Street BertVintage (1970s?) Sesame Street Fisher Price Little People Doll – Susan: 28 ppm Lead (Lead-safe by all modern standards)Bauer Vintage Celadon Pottery, Los Angeles: 210,800 ppm Lead (21%!). Context: 90 ppm is unsafe for kids.Vintage (c. 1938-1960) Ceramic Harlequin by Homer Laughlin Co. Fiesta Plate: 287,600 ppm Lead [90 ppm is unsafe].My sons, AJ (age16) & Avi (age 13) performing Tom Lehrer’s The Elements SongCeramcor Xtrema “Metals-Free” Saucepan Positive For Lead, Cadmium, Cobalt, Iron, Nickel, Chromium and other metals when tested with an XRF instrument.#LeadSafeMama Financial Update, July 2018Miracle Rice Cooker c. 2009, Made in China: 5,484 ppm Lead, plus Cadmium and Antimony!#AskTamara: Q. Does my Instant Pot have Lead? A. Yes, some. Here are the test results for a 6-quart Instant Pot purchased on Amazon.#SiteStats: July 30, 2018 Update, Lead Safe MamaEmail To CPSC Today (My Response), Lead In Baby Bottles – July 30, 2018Email From CPSC Today, Lead In Baby Bottles – July 30, 2018My Response To The CPSC, Re: Lead In Baby Bottles – July 24, 2018Second Response From The CPSC, Re: Lead In Baby Bottles – July 23, 2018Initial Response From The CPSC, Re: Lead In Baby Bottles – July 23, 2018My Initial July 2018 Inquiry To The CPSC Re: Lead In Baby BottlesLead Safe Mama’s Amazon Store! Lead-free things I recommend or use in my home#Leaded: Russian Khokhloma Wooden Decorated Spoon, 1985Amco Houseworks Enameled Aluminum Handheld Lemon Squeezer: 181 ppm LeadJohnson Brothers Wedgwood Group Blue Willow Earthenware Octagonal Plate: 52,400 ppm Lead [90 is unsafe!] Posts pagination Previous Page 1 … 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 … 180 Next Page SharePin200PostEmailPrint200Shares
Are your vintage “Little People” toxic? Sesame Street Friends, Vintage (c. 1970s) Fisher Price Little People
Vintage (1970s?) Sesame Street Fisher Price Little People Doll – Susan: 28 ppm Lead (Lead-safe by all modern standards)
Bauer Vintage Celadon Pottery, Los Angeles: 210,800 ppm Lead (21%!). Context: 90 ppm is unsafe for kids.
Vintage (c. 1938-1960) Ceramic Harlequin by Homer Laughlin Co. Fiesta Plate: 287,600 ppm Lead [90 ppm is unsafe].
Ceramcor Xtrema “Metals-Free” Saucepan Positive For Lead, Cadmium, Cobalt, Iron, Nickel, Chromium and other metals when tested with an XRF instrument.
#AskTamara: Q. Does my Instant Pot have Lead? A. Yes, some. Here are the test results for a 6-quart Instant Pot purchased on Amazon.
Johnson Brothers Wedgwood Group Blue Willow Earthenware Octagonal Plate: 52,400 ppm Lead [90 is unsafe!]