July 2019 Update: Opportunities to Invest in Lead Safe Mama’s WorkWho has a trinket box like this at home? This is from Kashmir, India: 192,500 ppm Lead [90 ppm is unsafe for kids.]Braun MultiQuick Hand Blender / Food Processor: Lead Free in All Accessible Components (no Lead detected via XRF.)Please sign. This petition asks Tupperware to officially respond re: Lead & Arsenic (etc!) found in their vintage products.Trace Lead exposure can impact fertility, pregnancy, and birth outcomes: The story of how Lead impacted my son Charlie’s birth. I nearly died.It’s Amazon Prime Day… so….Here’s an affiliate link you can click to support my advocacy work with your shopping.WHY IS THIS NOT ILLEGAL?! Jervis & George glass sippy cup jar: 6,422 ppm Lead (90 is unsafe for kids) + 88 CadmiumStar Wars Storm Trooper ceramic mug (Dollar Store find): 605 ppm Lead (90 is considered unsafe for kids’ items)Do you know where the “Mad Hatter” got his name? Here’s a clue – vintage felt hat: 3,844 ppm MERCURY! [100 is unsafe]A #LeadSafeMama Financial Update: July 14, 2019 – Testing, Projects, Legal Battles#SiteStats: July 2019 is on track to become #LeadSafeMama’s second best #BestMonthEver!Someone is about to win a set of Kleynimals toy keys for a little person in their life! And the winner is…Fun Facts: Yesterday July 2019 moved in to #LeadSafeMama’s 11th top month ever spot, and this morning it just popped up two notches into 9th place!Still in search of a Lead-free purple mug! Miniso 2019 Simple Ceramic Mug: 99 ppm Lead #LeadSafe! (Almost there!)Mexican tiles often have unsafe levels of Lead. Tile pictured: 25,800 ppm Lead. > 90 ppm is illegal in modern house paint.Mexican tiles often have unsafe levels of Lead. Tile pictured: 28,500 ppm Lead. > 90 ppm is illegal in modern house paint.Mexican tiles often have unsafe levels of Lead. Tile pictured: 57,900 ppm Lead. > 90 ppm is illegal in modern house paint.Mexican tiles often have unsafe levels of Lead. Tile pictured: 46,200 ppm Lead. > 90 ppm is illegal in modern house paint.Mexican tiles often have unsafe levels of Lead. Tile pictured: 74,000 ppm Lead. > 90 ppm is illegal in modern house paint.Mexican tiles often have unsafe levels of Lead. Tile pictured: 49,100 ppm Lead. > 90 ppm is illegal in modern house paint.#LeadSafeMama Fun Facts: In June 2019 this site had more than FOUR TIMES as many views as it did in June 2018!‘Handmade’ does not always equal ‘safe’. Barrettes, bought at a 2018 Los Angeles craft fair: 36,600 ppm Lead. 90 is unsafe.“Made in Italy” saucer – purchased new at Crate & Barrel in 2006: 46,700 ppm Lead. [90 ppm is unsafe for kids.]Royal Stafford Fine Earthenware Plate. English, from Crate & Barrel in 2006: 71,900 ppm Lead. [90 is unsafe for kids.] Posts pagination Previous Page 1 … 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 … 179 Next Page SharePin200PostEmailPrint200Shares
Who has a trinket box like this at home? This is from Kashmir, India: 192,500 ppm Lead [90 ppm is unsafe for kids.]
Braun MultiQuick Hand Blender / Food Processor: Lead Free in All Accessible Components (no Lead detected via XRF.)
Please sign. This petition asks Tupperware to officially respond re: Lead & Arsenic (etc!) found in their vintage products.
Trace Lead exposure can impact fertility, pregnancy, and birth outcomes: The story of how Lead impacted my son Charlie’s birth. I nearly died.
It’s Amazon Prime Day… so….Here’s an affiliate link you can click to support my advocacy work with your shopping.
WHY IS THIS NOT ILLEGAL?! Jervis & George glass sippy cup jar: 6,422 ppm Lead (90 is unsafe for kids) + 88 Cadmium
Star Wars Storm Trooper ceramic mug (Dollar Store find): 605 ppm Lead (90 is considered unsafe for kids’ items)
Do you know where the “Mad Hatter” got his name? Here’s a clue – vintage felt hat: 3,844 ppm MERCURY! [100 is unsafe]
Someone is about to win a set of Kleynimals toy keys for a little person in their life! And the winner is…
Fun Facts: Yesterday July 2019 moved in to #LeadSafeMama’s 11th top month ever spot, and this morning it just popped up two notches into 9th place!
Still in search of a Lead-free purple mug! Miniso 2019 Simple Ceramic Mug: 99 ppm Lead #LeadSafe! (Almost there!)
Mexican tiles often have unsafe levels of Lead. Tile pictured: 25,800 ppm Lead. > 90 ppm is illegal in modern house paint.
Mexican tiles often have unsafe levels of Lead. Tile pictured: 28,500 ppm Lead. > 90 ppm is illegal in modern house paint.
Mexican tiles often have unsafe levels of Lead. Tile pictured: 57,900 ppm Lead. > 90 ppm is illegal in modern house paint.
Mexican tiles often have unsafe levels of Lead. Tile pictured: 46,200 ppm Lead. > 90 ppm is illegal in modern house paint.
Mexican tiles often have unsafe levels of Lead. Tile pictured: 74,000 ppm Lead. > 90 ppm is illegal in modern house paint.
Mexican tiles often have unsafe levels of Lead. Tile pictured: 49,100 ppm Lead. > 90 ppm is illegal in modern house paint.
#LeadSafeMama Fun Facts: In June 2019 this site had more than FOUR TIMES as many views as it did in June 2018!
‘Handmade’ does not always equal ‘safe’. Barrettes, bought at a 2018 Los Angeles craft fair: 36,600 ppm Lead. 90 is unsafe.
“Made in Italy” saucer – purchased new at Crate & Barrel in 2006: 46,700 ppm Lead. [90 ppm is unsafe for kids.]
Royal Stafford Fine Earthenware Plate. English, from Crate & Barrel in 2006: 71,900 ppm Lead. [90 is unsafe for kids.]